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Papyrus/2020.03 Work Description
< Papyrus
All the work realized by CEA LIST is sponsored by CEA LIST. All bugs, or feature may be found in the tracker [1].
Papyrus has seen the following changes for the version 4.7,
Improve Papyrus Documentation
- Improve existing Papyrus table documentation to explain how to override displayed labels.
Improve Papyrus Tables
- Tool to easily register an existing tableconfiguration file into an existing architecture file.
- Add editors to allow the creation of elements using the ElementTypes framework.
- Add support for cell editors displayed with one or several buttons.
- Add support for an empty line in the table (but there is no way to get empty lines
Bugs fixes
- Patch a selection problem in the Sequence diagram after adding Found Messages.
- Patch SWT exceptions due to mishandled reload listeners in the model explorer coupled with bad widget focus.