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PTP/other tools setup
Setup to use UPC with CDT
The following sections show how to install CDT and the UPC features on several versions of Eclipse. Scroll to the bottom of the page and Using UPC Features for instructions on using them.
Note: As of Eclipse Indigo (2011), UPC features are automatically included in the "Eclipse IDE for Parallel Application Developers" available from the Eclipse downloads page
Note: These instructions are still valid for later versions of Eclipse and CDT
Eclipse 3.6 (Helios) and CDT 7.0
Installation instructions for Eclipse 3.6.x and CDT 7.0.x
- Download Eclipse 3.6.x and CDT 7.0.x - either:
- Eclipse 3.6.x (aka Helios, such as "Eclipse Classic" version) from the Eclipse downloads site, then install CDT on top of that, or
- The "Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers" from the Eclipse downloads site which already includes basic Eclipse + CDT (without Java, Plug-in development environment, etc. - but also without the optional features including UPC support)
- Install Eclipse (unzip or untar the downloaded archive).
- Bring up eclipse by executing the 'eclipse' executable in the 'eclipse' folder.
To use the Eclipse software installer to install CDT+UPC support, or just UPC support:
- Start Eclipse
- Help > Install New Software ...
- Next to "Work with:" Click on drop down menu and select the Helios update site (Helios -
- Check the features you want to install.
- Unless you started with the "Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers," you need the basic CDT:
- Under the "Programming Languages" category, check C/C++ Development Tools.
- Install the CDT UPC feature:
- First, uncheck "Group items by category" near the bottom of the dialog.
- Scroll down to find Unified Parallel C Support (to find it quicker, type e.g. "Unified" in the filter text box just above the "Name" column.)
- Other things you may want to install while you're here:
- Parallel Tools Platform - the PTP End-User Runtime is a collection of PTP plug-ins that comprise what most users will need.
- PTP Parallel Language Development Tools UPC Support - adds UPC support to PLDT (basic PLDT is included in the PTP End-User runtime)
- PTP Parallel Performance Wizard (PPW) - adds support for PGAS performance tuning.
- If you used any filters, turn them back off ("X" at right edge of filter text box) before continuing. If you don't, and you selected anything besides what's in the current filter, it won't be installed.
- Unless you started with the "Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers," you need the basic CDT:
- Click the "Next >" Button
- Review the items that appear in the "Install Details" Page, and click "Next >"
- Accept the license terms, and click "Finish"
- The features you selected are downloaded and installed; restart Eclipse when prompted.
More UPC tools: BUPC and xlUPC toolchains
With CDT 7.0, there is more UPC features that you may want to install that are not on the Helios Software site. They are optional features of the CDT 7.0 release.
To install these additional CDT features:
- Help > Install New Software...
- Enter the CDT update site by doing one of the following:
- Click on "Available Software Sites" preferences just under the drop-down menu, and enable the CDT site (type 'cdt' into the filter text field to find it easily)
- Enter its URL yourself:
- Click OK to return to the Install dialog
- The CDT update site has been added to the list. Select it in the '"Work with:" drop-down field.
- Check the desired features:
- Unified Parallel C Berkeley UPC Toolchain Support feature
- XL C/C++ Compiler Support feature - includes support for IBM XL UPC
- Click "Next >" and "Next >" and proceed to accept the license agreement, Finish, etc.
- Restart Eclipse when prompted.
Now scroll down to Using UPC Features
Eclipse 3.5 (Galileo) and CDT 6.0
Installation instructions for Eclipse 3.5.x and CDT 6.0.x
- Download Eclipse 3.5.x and CDT 6.0.x - either:
- Eclipse 3.5.x (aka Galileo, such as "Eclipse Classic" version) from the Eclipse 3.5 downloads site, then install CDT on top of that, or
- Download the "Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers" from the Eclipse 3.5 downloads site which already includes basic Eclipse + CDT (without Java, Plug-in development environment, etc. - but also without the optional features including UPC support)
Now, do either of the steps below...
- Online install to get the current stable released version of CDT: To use the update manager to install CDT+UPC support, or just UPC support:
- Start Eclipse
- Help > Install New Software ...
- Select "Add ..." to add an update site
- Select "New Remote Site" and enter
- Expand the item to see the features it includes.
- Check the features you want to install. For example, check the CDT Main Features, and under CDT Optional Features, check "Unified Parallel C Support" - suggest you also OMIT the "Eclipse CDT Testing Feature" as it can be confusing for users.
- Click the "Install" Button in the upper right corner.
- Review the items that appear in the "Install" Dialog, and click "Next>"
- Accept the license terms, and click "Finish"
- The CDT features are downloaded and installed; restart Eclipse when prompted.
- Offline install of CDT which can also be used to get even more recent builds of CDT: To install without using a remote update site:
- Download the "cdt master" file from the CDT builds site - choose the 6.0.x (whatever is latest) release of CDT and download the lastest "" file. Save it on your computer.
- If you aren't sure which to install, get the final version of CDT 6.0.2.
- Launch Eclipse, bring up software updates as described above
- Help, Install New Software... Click "Add" then click "Archive..."
- Enter the location of the cdt-master zip you downloaded.
- Continue as above and select the CDT and/or UPC features you want to install.
- Restart eclipse when prompted.
Now scroll down to Using UPC Features
Eclipse 3.4 (Ganymede) and CDT 5.0
Installation instructions for Eclipse 3.4.x and CDT 5.0.x
- Download Eclipse 3.4.x and CDT 5.0.x - either:
- Eclipse 3.4.x (aka Ganymede, such as "Eclipse Classic" version) from the Eclipse 3.4 (Ganymede) downloads site, then install CDT on top of that, or
- Download the "Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers" from the Eclipse 3.4 (Ganymede) downloads site which already includes basic Eclipse + CDT (without Java, Plug-in development environment, etc. - but also without the optional features including UPC support).
- To use the update manager to install CDT+UPC support, or just UPC support:
- Start Eclipse
- Help > Software Updates ...
- Select "Available Software" tab at top
- Select "Add Site..."
- Select "New Remote Site" and enter
- Expand the item to see the features it includes.
- Check the features you want to install. For example, check the CDT Main Features, and under CDT Optional Features, check "Unified Parallel C Support"
- Click the "Install" Button in the upper right corner.
- Review the items that appear in the "Install" Dialog, and click "Next>"
- Accept the license terms, and click "Finish"
- The CDT features are downloaded and installed; restart Eclipse when prompted.
- To install without using a remote update site:
- Download the "cdt master" file from the CDT builds site - choose the 5.0.x (whatever is latest) release of CDT and download the lastest "" file. Save it on your computer.
- Launch Eclipse, bring up software updates as described above
- Help, Software Updates... Under Available Software, Click "Add Site" then click "Archive..."
- Enter the location of the cdt-master zip you downloaded.
- Continue as above and select the CDT and/or UPC features you want to install.
- Restart eclipse when prompted.
Now scroll down to Using UPC Features
Eclipse 3.3 (Europa) and CDT 4.0
Note: this is similar to which includes screen shots, but that describes an older release of Eclipse and CDT. This description is a bit newer and mentions UPC..
Installation instructions for Eclipse 3.3.x and CDT 4.0.x
- Download Eclipse 3.3.x and CDT 4.0.x - either:
- To use the update manager to install CDT+UPC support, or just UPC support:
- Start Eclipse
- Help > Software Updates > Find and Install ... Search for New Features to Install, hit Next.
- Select "New Remote Site" and enter which can be named e.g. "CDT 4.0 Update Site"
- Make sure it's checked, and hit Finish.
- Select a mirror; if you have trouble with mirrors, scroll to the bottom and select the last one. Hit OK.
- When the Update site is loaded you see another Dialog. Expand the item for the new update site and check the features you want to install. Either the CDT runtime as well as the UPC feature, or just the UPC feature.
- Step through the next few screens to accept license agreements, etc. and restart Eclipse when prompted.
- To install without using a remote update site:
- Download the "cdt master" file from the CDT builds site - choose the 4.0.x (whatever is latest) release of CDT and download the lastest "" file. Save it on your computer.
- Launch Eclipse, bring up software updates as described above
- Help, Software Updates, Find and Install... Search for New Features to Install, hit Next.
- Select "New Archived Site" and enter the location of the cdt-master zip you downloaded.
- Continue as above and select the CDT and/or UPC features you want to install.
- Restart eclipse when prompted.
Create a C project in CDT, and edit a file whose extension is ".upc" and you will get the UPC extensions to the editor.
Using UPC features
Switch to the C/C++ Perspective if it's not already active (Window -> Open Perspective...) Create a C project in CDT, and edit a file whose extension is ".upc" and you will get the UPC extensions to the editor, e.g. syntax highlighting on UPC language features.
To get the UPC editor extensions on .c files for 'all' projects in the workspace, do the following:
- Open Eclipse Preferences (Window> Preferences or Eclipse>Preferences on Mac OSX)
- Open C/C++, Language Mappings add a content type "C Source File" Language "UPC" as follows:
- Click the "Add..." button to add a Language mapping.
- For Content Type, select "C Source File"
- For Language, select "UPC"
- Hit OK.
To enable this for project-specific settings (that is, set language mappings etc. differently for individual projects), do the following:
- Open Project Properties for a CDT project (right mouse on project name)
- Select C/C++ General and check "enable project-specific settings"
- Under C/C++ General, select "Language Mappings" and click the "Add..." button to add a Language mapping.
- For Content Type, select "C Source File"
- For Language, select "UPC"
- Hit OK.
You probably also want to change some build settings in CDT to match your UPC compiler. See project properties for this.
Note: for some more features specific to UPC, see the Parallel Tools Platform (PTP), its Parallel Language Development Tools (PLDT) have some PLDT UPC features.
Note that you need at least 3.0 version of PTP for Eclipse 3.5 (Galileo), and PTP 4.0 for Eclipse 3.6 (Helios) to get the UPC features.