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PTP/meetings/September 2014

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September 2014 Meeting

Date: September 9, 2014 Time: 1:00 PM EDT MEETING CANCELLED

Call in information:

Toll Free (US): 888-426-6840
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Toll Free (UK): 0800-368-0638
Passcode: 2221402


  • Overall project, releases, etc.
    • PTP 8.0.0 - Simultaneous release was Luna-based PTP 8.0.0 with Eclipse Luna simultaneous release on June 25
    • PTP 8.0.1 - released July 13
    • PTP 8.1 - next release - with Eclipse Luna's Service Release 1 (SR1) Sept. 26 - SR1's dates: (Tuesdays)
      • RC1+2 Aug 19;
      • RC2+2 Sept 2;
      • RC3+2 Sept 9;
      • RC4+2 Sept 16 FINAL BUILD - release Sept 26
    • Mars (June 2015) Eclipse release - we are now part of the build
      • bug fixes.. and.. ???
  • Outstanding bugs for Luna
    •  ???
  • Git branches and builds - which build is where? See Builds page
    • master branch - build is where? for Mars release?
    • hudson ptp-nightly job -- ptp_8_0 branch - Luna SR1 PTP 8.1
    • hudson ptp-release job -- old
    • hudson ptp-maint job --ptp_7_0 branch - but last build there is old (not up to date for this branch, no builds have been necessary)
  • Downloads (see bottom of page): Parallel Package:- Luna 148,670 as of Sept 9
  • Follow-up on last month etc.
    • Hackathon at LSU - what was accomplished, etc.
  • PTP User meeting - has been retired. Thanks for all the presentations over the years.
    • Readytalk videos are still available... need URL
  • Status Reports
    •  ?
  • Education/Outreach:
  • Any TM topics?
  • Next Meeting October 14



Parallel Package Downloads

Download numbers, by month, of 'Eclipse for Parallel Application Developers' available on Each release (e.g. R,SR1,SR2) the counts are set to 0 and restarted.

Release Month Downloads Total Downloads
Indigo SR1 thru Feb 2012  40,298
Indigo SR2 thru June 2012 64,860
Juno (4 days!) June 2012 902 902
Juno July 2012 8169 9071
Juno August 2012 19,112 28,009
Juno September 2012 47,648 76,457
Juno SR1 September 2012 5346 5346
Juno SR1 October 2012 65,353 70,699
Juno SR1 November 2012 58,796 129,495
Juno SR1 December 2012 57,811 187,306
Juno SR1 January 2013 63,350 250,656
Juno SR1 February 2013 39,877 290,533
Juno SR2 March 2013 41,367 41,367
Juno SR2 April 2013 36,372 77,739
Juno SR2 May 2013 28,575 106,316
Juno SR2 June 2013 22,521 128,853
Kepler R (5 days) June 2013 4003 4003
Kepler R July 2013 26,070 30,073
Kepler R August 2013 26,732 56,805
Kepler R September 2013 28,751 85,556
Kepler SR1 (4 days) Sept 2013 4670 4670
Kepler SR1 October 2013 40,440 45,110
Kepler SR1 November 2013 48,723 93,833
Kepler SR1 December 2013 39,648 133,481
Kepler SR1 January 2014 36,085 169,566
Kepler SR1 February 2014 39,193 208,759
Kepler SR2 February 2014 1189 1189
Kepler SR2 March 2014 57,038 58,227
Kepler SR2 April 2014 52,080 110,307
Kepler SR2 May 2014 41,033 151,340
Kepler SR2 June 2014 40,553 191,893
Luna R (6 days) June 2014 7554 7554
Luna R July 2014 60,816 68,370
Luna R August 2014 60,008 92,015
Luna R Sept* 2014 148,670

Sept* downloads as of September 9

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