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PTP/meetings/October 2008
October 2008 Meeting
Date: October 14, 2008 Time: 1:00 PM EST
Call in information:
Toll Free (US): 1 877-421-0033
Toll Free (Germany): 0800-181-6323
Local (US): +1 770-615-1250
Local (Germany): +49 695-170-9081
Passcode: 583191
- PTP Status
- 2.1 release update
- Project Reports
- Next meeting
- Greg Watson, IBM Research
- Beth Tibbitts, IBM Research
- Wyatt Spear, U. Oregon
- Dave Wootten, IBM
- Howard Lander, RENCI
- Chris Recoskie, IBM
- Mike Kucera, IBM
- Daniel Ferber, IBM
- Leonardo Garcia, IBM
- Vivian Kong, IBM
PTP 2.1 Release
- Dave said that he found the remote connection setup confusing, particular since RDT and RM have different setups. Since it's unlikely that this will be resolved by 2.1 it was agreed that we need to provide a tutorial for configuring different scenarios.
- Dave has small number of bugs outstanding, thinks these will either be resolved or not impact on 2.1 release
- Chris is working on bugs, should be ready in time. Completing documentation is likely to be limiting factor.
- Daniel should have his bugs fixed in time.
- Leonardo will be providing Cell IDE feature to be included in next build.
- Wyatt will follow up Photran build problem
- Vivian asked how we will address the RDT dependency on CDT 5.0.2 (not due until Feb)
- Provide a link to the latest CDT build from the PTP release notes
- Include CDT in RDT update site?
- Probably not a good idea to provide full Eclipse downloads because of large overheads
- It was agreed to proceed with the current release schedule
Project Reports
- All activity has been focussed on the 2.1 release
Next meeting November 11