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PTP/PTP User Meetings


To provide more opportunities for PTP Users (new and experienced) to ask questions of the PTP developers, find out about an interesting PTP "Topic of the Month" and find out what's coming in future PTP releases, we hold a monthly conference call on the 4th Wednesday of each month, 1:00 PM ET/12:00 PM CT. All users are invited to attend. Please suggest topics for our calls by posting to the ptp-user mailing list.

Dial-in Instructions

  • Step 1: Dial-In. U.S. & Canada: (866) 740-1260. Access Code: 2444696
    • Germany: Toll Free: 08006645316 Toll: 030700150735 (same access code as above)
  • Step 2: Web Login. Browse to, and enter Access Code 2444696.

Please note: Our conference software relies on Adobe Flash to display the web content.  Please test your computer (at for compatibility prior to the meeting.  Please also note that some distributions of linux (Fedora Core 12, for instance) may not have Flash enabled by default, if so, please follow these steps to enable Flash on your system.


User calls are generally held on the 4th Wednesday of each month at 1:00 PM ET/12:00 PM CT.

June 25, 2014

Tentative plan: New features in PTP 8.0 and Eclipse Luna

May 28, 2014

  • Meeting cancelled

April 23, 2014

March 26, 2014

  • Meeting cancelled

February 26, 2014

  • Topic: PTP Script Editing and other non-PTP things you can do with Eclipse - for HPC developers
    • Including Eclipse plug-ins for editing bash, Python, perl, R, Matlab, and testing scripts on remote hosts
  • Nate Rabold and Dave Hudak from Ohio Supercomputer Center
  • Today's presentation slides: Media:PTP_User_Call-20140226-scripting.pdf
  • Readytalk Webcast Video Recording of the call:

January 29, 2014

  • Postponed from Jan 22

The topic will be debugging with the PTP Parallel debugger.

  • Overview of debugger and demo (Dave Wootton)
  • Port to MPICH coming with the Luna release (Dave Wootton)
  • How to create a TSC (Target System Configuration) and how Dave modified the perl scripts to support MPICH for debug
  • Other debugger Q&A


Readytalk Recording of video and audio:

Other debugger reference info:

  • PTP Tutorial Debugger section only - of PTP tutorial Media:PTP-tutorial-kepler-debug.pdf
  • PTP help: Debugger
  • Creating a TSC - from the PTP FAQ, includes a couple of other debugger-related FAQs.
    • To clone a TSC and make your own changes, do New>Import>Target system Configuration, pick one to copy and you can modify it. Be sure to change the name tag so you can recognize your new TSC when you pick it in the run/debug configuration (Dave covers this in the demo)

December 4, 2013

July 31, 2013

  • Note: Call moved from July 25, 2013 due to XSEDE13. Topic: Monitoring system customization by Carsten Karbach

June 26, 2013

  • PTP Developers demonstrate PTP 7.0 features in the Eclipse Kepler Simultaneous release
  • Recording
:05 Introduction - Jay Alameda
:20 Overview of Eclipse Kepler and PTP 7.0 - Beth Tibbitts
          - Built-in Terminal view
          - Sync projects now support generic projects
          - Creating a synchronized project
          - Build and running; build configurations; sync configurations
          - Sysmon stand-alone system monitoring
          - Pointer to N&N, Photran is mainly a maintenance release
:10 Synchronized Projects - details
           - File filtering - Roland Schulz
           - Scanner Discovery - John Eblen
:10 External Tools framework - Wyatt Spear
          - Transitioning from old to new framework 
          - Simple performance analysis workflow
:10 New Target System Configuration: IBM LSF  - Dave Wootton
:05 Wrap-up - Jay and Beth
        Upcoming PTP tutorial at XSEDE - San Diego July 22
        PTP 7.0.1 available soon with some bug fixes

May 22, 2013

  • We have a guest speaker, Jay Billings of Oak Ridge National Laboratory, giving a talk on "Simulate This! -- The Eclipse Platform as an Integrated Computational Environment"
  • Recording

November 28, 2012

  • We will discuss the Eclipse stand-alone system monitor "PTP SysMon"
  • Recording

August 22, 2012

July 25, 2012

  • Cancelled, we will resume August 22, 2012.

 June 27, 2012

  • Jeff Overbey demonstrates PTP 6.0 features in the Eclipse Juno Simultaneous release
  • Recording

May 23, 2012

  • Cancelled, we will resume on June 27, 2012

May 10, 2012

  • Greg Watson (IBM) demonstrated the new target system configuration capabilities in PTP 6 -- i.e., PTP without resource managers
  • Recording - Content starts at approximately 4:15

April 25, 2012

April 4, 2012

NOTE: date change due to EclipseCon conflict.

February 22, 2012

  • Galen Arnold (NCSA) will demonstrate how to use gprof and gcov on an MPI program with the Eclipse Linux Tools and PTP.
  • Step-by-step instructions on the NCSA wiki
  • Recording

January 25, 2012

  • Recap of SC11, Eclipse PTP future developments

Older Meetings

Meetings from 2011

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