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PDS Client 2.0 Original Design
The PDS Client 2.0 package is shown in light blue:
It consists of the following C++ components:
- Components 2.0#Permissioning - work not yet started. This component manages and persists the user's permissioning decisions for r-cards.
- Components 2.0#PAUL - Personal Agent Utility Layer (PAUL) - the higher level logic of the PDS_Client_2.0
- Components 2.0#Persona Data Provider - An API for the Persona Data Model 2.0
- Components 2.0#STS Client - planned. Need to split out from
- Components 2.0#IPC Lib - planned.
- Components 2.0#Auth Client
- Components 2.0#IdAS Client C++ - communicates with Personal Data Store 2.0
- Components 2.0#IdAS API - does this exist?