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Planning page for PDE work for Photon(4.8)
Java 9 and JUnit5 Support
- Any Java 9 related work for PDE bug 458235. Support of module-info file in PDE project. Investigate
better support of java9 in PDE.
DELIVERED in 4.7.1a
- Support for launching JUnit 5 bug 518163
DELIVERED in 4.7.1a
DELIVERED in 4.7.3a and 4.8M7
Further API Tools Improvements
- API tools improvements like improvement in version error for first change, or extention point addition, reporting
error for re-export removal. Other API tools errors/freeze report issues - bug 517236
NOT DELIVERED, May be taken up in next release
Target Editor Improvements in PDE
- Improve Target Definition editor & Edit Software Site dialog bug 454491 and also issues in target platform
NOT DELIVERED , May be taken up in next release
General PDE Usability Issues and Important Incoming Bugs