Notice: This Wiki is now read only and edits are no longer possible. Please see: for the plan.
Tags are words and acronyms surrounded by [brackets] used in the title or summary of a bugzilla report. The tags make it faster to search for related bugs or to create queries for bugs involving a specific component. Multiple tags can be added to a bug report. When searching for tags, do not use case sensitive search as different users have used different casing.
[patch] - Patch is available and waiting for review, bug should get the keyword 'contributed' once committed.
[plan] - Bug reports representing plan items, rather than a bug. Do not use the keyword 'plan' it is reserved for the top level project plan
[api] - Fixing this bug will involve an API change. Ensure the API change is allowed and consider adding the keyword 'noteworthy'
[doc] - This fix involves help documentation or javadoc. For help documentation, this tag should be removed as the bug should belong to the PDE > Documentation component. If the fix is planned for during release freeze plan, it should be marked with the keyword 'documentation'.
[ua] - User Assistance. Changes involving the user assistance bundles* This includes the Cheatsheet editor, Context Help ID editor and Table of Contents editor.
[ds] - Declarative Services. Changes involving the declarative services bundles org.eclipse.pde.ds.* This includes the Component editor.
Editors / Models
[manifest] - Manifest editor and the bundle model
[plugin] - Plugin.xml editor and the extension model
[feature] - Feature editor and the feature model
[product] - Product editor
[schema] - Schema editor
[site] - Update site editor
[category] - Category definition editor
[build] - editor and the build model. Also includes PDE UI bugs that interact with PDE Build
[target] - Target editor, target model, wizard to edit targets and the target platform preference page
[launching] - Launch configurations, self hosting and starting OSGi sessions
[logview] - Log view, importing and exporting logs
[templates] - Templates for new projects, see org.eclipse.pde.ui.templates bundle
[spy] - Plug-in Spy support (Ctrl-Shift-F1)
[import] - Wizards and jobs for importing plug-ins and other resources into the workspace
[export] - Wizards and jobs for exporting plug-ins, features and products
[osgi] - Support for new and changed items in the OSGi specification
[refactoring] - Refactoring and quickfix options that impact more than the current file
[p2] - Requires support from the p2 component