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PDE/API Tools/Migration IDE Integration
The 3.6 API tools have support for usage scanning - allowing adopters to
provide scans back to you on what API and internal code they're using. The tooling
is ant task based. What we want is integration into the IDE so a scan can be loaded and
any breaking changes will be marked as problems in the editor.
Main Components
UI for managing scans
- Preference page
Backend for managing scans
- Store in metadata?
- Needs to be more efficient than separate xml files
Incremental Builder
- Add to the existing API Tooling incremental builder
- Compare current type against use scan and return breakage
Marker Management
- Create markers for usage breaking changes
- Clean stale markers when content or use scans change
- Needs new error level settings
- Must have no impact when off (check error level settings at start)
- Use LRU caches as scan cannot be loaded into memory
- Full builds must be possible
- Complete test suite for incremental builder
- Enhance the performance tests
Additional Enhancements
Annotate method/type usage in editors
- When editor is open, methods/types being used are annotated
Support multiple scans
- Compare against all of them
Use Scan Updating
- Support for recognizing when a newer use scan is available
Implementation Ideas
- Consider a Java builder participant - we are really only looking up types in the new description, which we can easily do during the participant cycle. Some of the benefits of this approach:
- No impact at all on the API builder
- marker support + lifecycle from the Java builder
- Examine how Java access rules work + are stored + looked up. Perhaps there is opportunity there for us to extend an access rule and get UI + persistence for free
- Examine XPath and related technologies for fast indexing / searching of XML file(s) to avoid loading (potentially) massive files into memory all at once