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Orion/Planning Meeting/High Value Integration Points
< Orion | Planning Meeting
High Value Integration Points for Orion
Brainstorming of integration scenarios, followed by marking each one with who might provide it.
- (I) = IBM Orion team is interested
- (P) = Partners with potential interest to drive the integration
- (C) = Community/contributors who "scratch their own itch"
- (B) = Boris-style simple integrations for evangelizing
(P)Mockups (Balsamiq, Mockingbird)
- Compare running site/prototype to mockup/wireframe
- Store wireframe file in Orion
- simplify import/export scenarios
(P) GitHub
- Make and share Gists
- Links in Orion to GitHub Pages
- button in github to edit in Orion
Boilerplates/Project Generation
- (B)
- (P)
(P) Drupal/Joomla/Wordpress
- embed Orion editor for theme edits (CSS, HTML, etc.)
- SCM for look and feel related changed files
Library-aware plugins: (C)JQuery, (I)Dojo, etc.
- JSDoc-based code completion
- go to the source of a plugin
- which js file? which CSS file?
- metadata for plugins @ openajax
server technologies
- (C) node.js
- and Perl, Python, PHP, Ruby, Java...
- (C)syntax highlighting for server side language
server ease of consumption
- PHP/mod_orion
- (I) dmg for Mac, orion.exe?
- (I) easy to parameterize (ports, links to server files)
- (C) Jasmine/QUnit/DOH/JSUnit/JSTestDriver - unit testing stuff
- (P)Selenium - UI testing
- (I) Being able to get to the source quickly from a test result
Debug integration
- (I) Firebug
- WebKit inspector