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Orion/Meeting minutes/20170123
< Orion | Meeting minutes
- Olivier, Mike, Casey, Sidney, Eric, Libing, Steve, Carolyn, Grant, Silenio
- rewriting LSP client to live in page itself rather than plug-in
- some expected events aren’t being received, some event impl’s may be missing in core Orion client
- theming
- continuing unification of theme preference pages
- node server
- Orion node server can now serve static files, helpful for debugging
- completed new indexed file search, is too resource-intensive, need to re-think this approach
- UI
- starting implementation of multiple editor tabs
- working to show informative page when RequireJS fails to load
- found that problems view is long to load due to time required to resolve JS file dependencies in workspace
- Other
- triaging accessibility bugs
- merged various contributions from Casey and Remy (thanks!)