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Orion/Meeting minutes/20150630
< Orion | Meeting minutes
Mike, Curtis, Silenio, John, Eric, Grant, Anthony, Libing
Orion 9 was released last week. Yay!
- Investigating multiple selection problem on iPad
- Looking into supporting displaying partial search results while search is running
- Syntax styling for .gitignore, .git files
- Updated automated tests to run against latest browser versions
- Wrote blog post about standalone editor
- Adding support for inserting custom syntax styling grammars for basic standalone editor
- Should we get rid of the old non-plugin editor package?
- Lookup the download stats for embedded editor
- Fixing bugs in Git page
- UI issues
- page refresh problems
- Corner case where user could not push
- Working on performance improvements:
- Scoping file name search to local repository/folder
- Scoping search performed by content assist
- Checkbox to optionally search all projects
- Fixing bugs with script resolution
- fix in script resolver
- fixed es6 lint bugs
- Rewriting html content assist
- Updating editor 3rd party libraries
- Investgiating bug in Safari with WeakMap
- We may have to drop support for Safari version from OS X 10.9
- Reviewing output from latest user study, identifying priority things to fix to improve the new user experience
- Gave two Orion talks at EclipseCon France, well attended and positive feedback