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Orion/Meeting minutes/20150206
(12:59:59 PM) The topic for #eclipse-orion is: Welcome to Eclipse Orion <a href=""></a> | Getting started info: <a href=""></a> | <a href=""></a> | general Eclipse info <a href=""></a>
(01:56:45 PM) brandond [] entered the room.
(02:09:47 PM) ircbog1 [~gheorghe@] entered the room.
(02:12:00 PM) ircbog left the room (quit: Ping timeout: 246 seconds).
(02:21:27 PM) brandond left the room (quit: Remote host closed the connection).
(02:27:15 PM) albert_ [] entered the room.
(02:30:12 PM) albert_: hey guys
(02:30:15 PM) paulweb515: hi
(02:30:15 PM) Arbalest: Welcome! If you have a question, just ask, or take a look at our FAQ - :) Try typing ~faq to see more FAQs! If you have errors or logs to show, see ~pastebin. If you have screenshots to share, see ~image. If you need to describe your problem, please provide some ~info about your setup. Don't ask to ask, just ask, and please be patient when waiting for a response. Lurk. Thank you and enjoy your stay.
(02:30:28 PM) paulweb515: Arbalest was talking to me :-)
(02:31:09 PM) brandond [] entered the room.
(02:32:04 PM) brandond: hi
(02:32:05 PM) Arbalest: Welcome! If you have a question, just ask, or take a look at our FAQ - :) Try typing ~faq to see more FAQs! If you have errors or logs to show, see ~pastebin. If you have screenshots to share, see ~image. If you need to describe your problem, please provide some ~info about your setup. Don't ask to ask, just ask, and please be patient when waiting for a response. Lurk. Thank you and enjoy your stay.
(02:32:11 PM) brandond: meeting now?
(02:33:51 PM) paulweb515: We're just waiting for Richard, I think, since Mei-Vern said she couldn't make it
(02:35:13 PM) paulweb515: Well, we may as well go ahead, since he's not here
(02:36:06 PM) brandond: ok
(02:36:15 PM) paulweb515: We can do a quick round of status, and then I have some questions
(02:36:16 PM) brandond: (1)Divide up work, (2)investigate better way to handle routing, and (3)read nodegit api related to my tasks.
(02:36:16 PM) brandond: (1) We should be careful to divide with dependent tasks in mind. These are all outlined very clearly in the gitapi webpage
(02:36:17 PM) brandond: (2) Lets split up git functions into files, each file for a function or a group of related functions. We can use git_<functionaliy>.js naming scheme.
(02:36:18 PM) brandond: (3) The calls to the api should be pretty straightforward, but since the nodegit has been discovered to not be as mature as we thought, we should be careful and stay in touch with nodegit devs.
(02:36:20 PM) brandond: -
(02:36:22 PM) brandond:
(02:38:07 PM) paulweb515: Thanks
(02:38:13 PM) paulweb515: albert_: status?
(02:39:24 PM) albert_: we added the api calls for getting the list of repos and for getting the list of remotes
(02:39:40 PM) albert_: we tried to add the config and the status routes
(02:39:48 PM) albert_: but nodegit doesn’t seem to have those implemented
(02:39:56 PM) albert_: we’ve been monitoring the dev chat for nodegit
(02:40:06 PM) albert_: it seems they just this week added getting file statuses
(02:40:15 PM) albert_: so we’re planning on implementing that tonight
(02:40:18 PM) albert_: we being me and mei-vern
(02:40:48 PM) paulweb515: albert_: OK
(02:41:30 PM) paulweb515: The alternative for status is to use the .raw API. It's a little long-winded, but you can get the status by doing things like getting all of the branch references and checking them for isHead(), and stuff like that :-)
(02:42:07 PM) albert_: hopefully we can avoid that but we’ll see. they added a status example in the repo
(02:42:08 PM) paulweb515: albert_: when talking to the nodegit devs, did they have any idea about the config?
(02:42:23 PM) albert_: we asked but they didn’t reply… we can ask again today
(02:42:33 PM) paulweb515: albert_: OK, or early next week
(02:45:52 PM) paulweb515: From Richard:
(02:45:53 PM) paulweb515: What I tried to do this week was to figure out why npm install wasn't working in the orionode directory. Below is the description of what I did and found out.
- Setting git global config to true
- any tracking branches that are set up would get the rebase config property automatically
- command: git config --global branch.autosetuprebase always
- true -> malformed value, prevents any git commands from execution
- Running npm install to automatically download Orion’s dependencies
- Current issue with pty.js build (
- npm i chjj/pty.js --save should install the fixed version of pty.js
- ran into error: ‘/util.h’ file not found
- Installed command line tools from Xcode -> Same error
- Cause of error: include TERM_UTIL -> define TERM_UTIL </util.h> -> util.h not found
- Solution
- clone pty.js github repo to /tmp
- change TERM_UTIL to </usr/includ/util.h>
- npm install /tmp/pty.js
- npm i chjj/pty.js --save should install the fixed version of pty.js
- Current issue with pty.js build (
- Changing orion.conf
- changing npm_path to /usr/local/bin/npm-clis.js and workspace directory to desired one
- Node.js Server up and running successfully
(02:46:21 PM) paulweb515: Looks like he finally got node.js + orion up and running :-)
(02:46:32 PM) paulweb515: OK, I think that's it for this week
(02:47:12 PM) brandond: thanks paul, ttyl
(02:47:15 PM) paulweb515: TTYL
(02:47:42 PM) albert_: thanks
(02:47:46 PM) albert_: talk to you later
(02:47:50 PM) albert_: have a great week
(02:48:56 PM) albert_ left the room (quit: Quit: albert_).
(02:54:48 PM) brandond left the room (quit: Remote host closed the connection).
(02:55:11 PM) brandond [] entered the room.