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Orion/Meeting minutes/20141216
< Orion | Meeting minutes
Anton [1], Anthony, Libing, Elijah, Eric, Insoo, Aidan, Mark [2], Grant, Curtis, Mike, Szymon [3], Silenio, McQ [4], Bogdan
- Anthony - enabled grep search on
- Elijah - working on cf run bar for orion
- Silenio - fixing bugs found in editor multiselect
- Libing - improving page load performance for nls support
- Aidan - working on landing page
- Mark - tweaks to tests to keep them from timing out (add parameter to allow exclusion of tests in the nightly build)
- Insoo - working on theme editor improvements
- Eric - tooltip dismissal work
- Grant - logging uncaught exception on metrics, syntax styling for jsp files
- Simon - i18n work for page load performance, start/stop launch config work for cf apps
- Bogdan - internal work
- John - workspace load improvement (twice as fast) removed serialization across users
- Curtis - tooltips on content assist, added some css quickfixes + test framework
- Mike - adding es lint rules; merged es lint tests
- Paul - internal work, started looking at some orion ui bugs
- Anton - working on the orion landing page