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Orion/Meeting minutes/20141021
< Orion | Meeting minutes
- Curtis
- Mike
- Szymon
- Maciej
- Anthony
- John
- Bogdan
- Insoo
- Aidan
- Elijah
- Eric
- Libing
- Mark
- Grant
- CSS lint tooling improvements
- Performance improvements
- Embedded rule sets - enable/disable a category of rules all together
- Content assist for embedded rules
- Investigating file to file navigation
- Add hover support improvements
- Looking at adding hover help for externalized strings
- Acorn bug fixing - making AST more compatible with Esprima output
- Working on improvements to Cloud Foundry applications page
- Deploy wizard - adding support for Node specific deploy settings
- Review during next UX call
- Finishing removal of credential service and user profile service
- Password reset tokens were not being cleaned up
- Reliable detection of active users
- Git bug fixing
- Improved task messages
- Exploring Zurb Foundation framework for improved UI layout
- Bug fixing in markdown editor and in theme framework
- Looking at mechanisms for gathering metrics
- Live Git dif in annotation bar
- Generalizing to other diff services
- Fixing bug with zip import/export
- Working on server-side file crawler search
- Fixing bugs in navigator and outline pane
- Cleaning up hover code to get in shape for release
- Exploring project metaphysics
- Support released last week for cross-site request forgery (XSRF) protection
- Fixing repository browser broken by XSRF protection (for 3rd party repo such as GitHub)
- Fixed self-hosting which was broken by XSRF fix
- Fixed XSRF filter which was broken on non-Jetty web servers
- Moving heavy JavaScript semantic analysis into worker thread to improve editor responsiveness
- Looking for more people to work on JavaScript tooling