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Orion/Meeting minutes/20140909
< Orion | Meeting minutes
Eric, Libing, Bogdan, Insil, Grant, Anton, Elijah, Aidan, John, Mark, Anthony, Simon, Paul
- Fixing translation bugs
- Fixing builds, all back to good shape
- Rewrite of Orion sashes has been released
- Working on a plugin for hover help in editor
- Saving vertical/horizontal state in local settings storage
- Added support to ignore whitespace in client side compare widget
- Converting tests to Mocha style
- Fixing the last Git bugs
- Filters history by SHA
- Performance improvements
- Some icons need to get in place
- Make sure search crawler does something reasonable
- Going through message modules to reduce key sizes and remove unused keys
- Finalizing new help system and getting it released and working on
- Syntax highlighting for Swift language
- Refining appearance of git
- Reorganizing Orion icon font to make room for more icons
- Working on new landing page for Orion
- Relationship between landing page, login page, and the information content
- Released new look and feel for settings page
- Improving user experience of various fields in settings page
- Interaction of auto-save with setting changes
- Improving editor settings, make it clear how to customize wrench menu
- Pushed changes to Orion server to support live metadata migration
- Fixing problems with google/github login on