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Orion/Meeting minutes/20140826
< Orion | Meeting minutes
- Szymon - looking at switching our CF logs to loggregator
- Gosia - Looking at interactive deploy for CF feedback welcome once released
- Maciej - Editor tooling for manifest.yml (error marking, content assist, etc). Auto completion for services for example.
- Michael - Content assist from last week complete. Refactoring work starting on next.
- Simon - How to package up the server in a way that is more modular so that consumers could just use say a file service, git service. Currently do everything in server configuration and instead going for each feature to do that work. Also working on a mechanism to add entries to the defaults pref. Was working on shared session storage and will get back to that later.
- Bogdan - Away last week.
- Silenio - Git UI changes are out. Styling changes coming.
- Elijah - Working on quality defects. Breadcrumb resizing. Setting page modifications for auto-save so will remove the save/update buttons.
- Anton - Off most of last week. Working on Git page UI.
- John - Working on zero-downtime deployment for server
- Anthony - Some vacation. Working on auto-update meta data. All users would be auto-migrated.
- Aeden - OAuth work is done, need to get Github logo approved. Looking at automatically logging in a user. Will look at using local storage for now, session storage later.
- Eric - Splitter work almost complete.
- Libing - Off last week. Fixing TVT bugs for translation testing.
- Grant - Help implementation done. Should go through it on UX call. (Simon) Also interested in figuring out the Getting Started
- Ken - Was away for 3 weeks, catching up