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Orion/Meeting minutes/20140729
< Orion | Meeting minutes
Mike, Curtis, Maciej, Szymon, Gosia, Mark, John, Libing, Aidan, Anthony, Anton, Bogdan, Eric, Elijah, McQ
- Updates to manual deploy dialog UI
- If deleting .git folder then project is in bad state
- Released proganda on planetorion
- Branch with working OAuth (OpenID Connect) authentication
- Working on changing login workflow to create an account if there isn't one
- Improving image viewer
- Improving error reporting in git repository browser
- Updated Orion to use latest verison of cclint
- Working on new content assist context - distinguish doc from jsdoc
- content assist in jsdoc
- Better presentation of plugin settings page
- Indicate when plugin has an error loading
- New cloud foundry and route management page (still hidden while in progress)
- Finishing up Orion implementation of Git stash support
- Addressing feedback on inline search pane