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Orion/Meeting minutes/20140327
< Orion | Meeting minutes
John, Silenio, Anton, Elijah, McQ, Grant, Simon, Bogdan, Anthony, Libing, Mark, Mike R, Curtis
- Master is still frozen, we are trying to stabilize before switching to two week iteration cadence
- Upgraded to latest JGit 3.3 + SSO patch
- Setting up virtual docker environment to figure out how to scale it up to many users where each Orion user has separate container
- Containers will be created on demand when needed
- Initially expose CF commands and npm/node commands
- Added ability to expose ports within container and connect externally (eg, browser)
- Now building Orion against Luna M6
- Now publishing Orion Maven-based builds to Orion download page
- Fixed server test failures in Maven-based build
- Cleaning up Orion plugin settings to be consistent
- Splitting ide.css into multiple pieces
- Need a better packaging story for stand-alone components such as editor and compare editor
- Currently user has to download several files separately
- Need a single zip or other consumable package format to make them easier to consume
- Node server: hard for people to reuse it within a larger web app
- Fixing bugs to make it easier to consume as part of a bigger app
- Investigating ability to customize parts of Orion node server without hacking it
- Merging support for error tolerant parsing into latest Esprima
- Discussing with Esprima team on how to integrate those changes upstream
- Continuing work on moving esprima parsing into web worker, need to make progress without disrupting master
- Improving editor APIs to make them easier to use, easier to customize the editor
- Doing design exploration on how to continue evolving Orion design and user experience
- Blogged on how to use Orion for development of static web pages using GitHub pages
- Integrated scoping widget into search pages to make it easier to do scoped search
- Big improvement to syntax highlighting performance, especially on nested styles
- Investigating an improved experience for markdown editing+rendering
- Fixing bugs in type inferencing in JS tools
- Investigating TypeScript to JavaScript compiler for type indexes
- Improving content assist handling on union types (param that is either String or Object)
- Working on creating a separate Orion plugin for HTML tools
- Attended Gerrit user summit, lots of cross-pollination of ideas between two communities