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Orion/Meeting minutes/20130919
< Orion | Meeting minutes
Orion 4.0 M2 on September 23 - Please do not check in destabilizing changes
- Simon - Refactorings, security fixes, i18n fix. Fixing a WPOD (white page of death) bug.
- Grant - Discussing future of GCLI with Joe from Mozilla.
- Libing - performance/scalability work on Search
- Mark - adding new APIs for contentassist, outline, & others (bug 413923). Fixing naming consistency as I go. Will finish for RC1.
- Anton - Work on plugin marketplace design. Brainstorming new Orion landing page and as well.
- Looking at cleanup of SettingsContainer so copied code is not necessary for other deployments.
- Defined abstract editor API.
- Added support for print margins, wrapping on offset instead of window edge. Show ruler instead of edge.
- Added support for whitespace characters in Replace field
- The work planned for projects for M2 is done except of adding the SFTP projects and dependencies.
- I fixed some of the problem with sftp connection, however the most serious one is connected to a Firefox bug (not showing Basic Auth in xhr calls) that makes sftp connection unusable on FF whenever you need to authenticate.
- One more thing in projects planned for RC is to move the contents of the projects page to an editor page when we are in top level folder.