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Orion/Meeting minutes/20130516
< Orion | Meeting minutes
Reminder: M2 is next Friday
- Grant - shell now always opens in context of the resource if possible
- Car - Publishing Accesibility LOTD. Question about really long message keys -- need to open a bug
- Silenio/Bogdan - working on vi key-bindings, inline widgets, variable line height
- Libing - User profile separation for settings page, eliminating user profile settings in favour of user preferences, update git, misc updates to editor search and global search
- Gabe - some cleanup of dom associated with ui widgets (looking for Filesystem bugs to learn more)
- Mark - Fixing UI dimension problems on editor page - lots of sidebar nav usability improvements
- John - released all server metadata scalability changes on Monday -- smooth sailing
- Simon - continued work on configurability of Orion server for working in production environments