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Orion/Meeting minutes/20130221
< Orion | Meeting minutes
- Anton
- Szymon
- Susan
- Libing
- Grant
- Mark
- John
- Silenio
- Bogdan
- Waiting for final RC3 build, nearly done
- Tonight's build should be final 2.0 build
- Fixed a mac scroll bar problem in the editor
- Blogged about how to consume the editor
- Added ability to set workspace location in orion.conf on orionode
- Fixed problem with CSS minification
- Susan announced she was leaving IBM. A cloud of sadness filtered into the room and the meeting carried on wistfully.
3.0 Planning
- Planning work on themeing and keybindings in editor for 3.0
- Discussing new way to handle commands/actions in the git pages for 3.0
- Consumability of small discrete client components will be a key area for 3.0
- Web components or similar
- Need a dependency injection story for services so components don't need to manage service lifecycle bug 337740
- Packaging as a WAR file