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Orion/Meeting minutes/20120927
< Orion | Meeting minutes
- Andy
- Susan
- Lakshmi
- John
- Grant
- Anton
- Libing
- Silenio
- Ken
- Carolyn
- Simon
- Mark
- McQ
1 more week until RC1. At that point absolutely all feature has to be done. Anything critical likely has to go to post 1.0. New features and any 3rd party work and any other dependencies, we have to have the stable version by our RC1.
- Andy - About to announce tools based on Orion editor.
- Susan - Accessibility issues with Navigator. Number of regressions in the Banner. Need to be careful when copying code that you copy the accessibility work. (McQ) Is there something we can do that would catch the obvious things, like our NLS tool? Maybe the tools out there are just not dealing with how Orion is done. (Susan) Working on other polish bugs. Also on hunt for missing error reporting. (McQ) willing to sit for a while with Susan to discuss this, next week. (John) Need to describe the right pattern for reporting errors. Settle on one.
- John - Fixing bugs mainly. Search (whitespace folder names), Username validation (OrionHub account creation is broken), Folder requests have gotten really expensive. Seems to be only in Git Repository folders. (Ken) Release Review and Graduation?
- Grant - Multiple segments should be released soon. Post 1.0 GCLI will bring the features I was working on. (Simon) Could we do a UX review on that page? Focus on input when you open page for example. Knock off anything smallish.
- Anton - Improving OrionHub page, more content. Experimented with Source Code Pro font, seems people are interested. Looking at Persona with the point of adding it to landing page.
- Libing - Search completion UI. In M2 released code for search completion based on data list. But this is not supported on a number of browsers. So writing an implementation for it for proposal logic. Also working on accessibility.
- Silenio - Fixing bugs on wrapping code for the editor. Some problems on Safari 6 with drag selection. Added two features, double click on bracket and bookmarks on the editor.
- Ken - Working on presentations and content for EclipseCon
- Carolyn - Chatting with Susan on Accessibility and starting to work on it.
- Simon - API in plugin and service registry. Plugin.js being renamed to pluginprovider.js. Adding some exceptions to authorization and licensing. Adding disabled plugins (think NonNLS plugin). Should be able to disable/enable a particular plugin while keeping it installed. Looking at storage vs. preferences. Would like to use W3C storage API, have an implementation. Client side accesses the storage API, there still is a preferences service but it injects into the storage. (John) Perhaps disabling an entire plugin is the wrong granularity, should that not be exposed by plugin settings?
- Mark - Working on Persona login. Resurrected node based server.
- McQ - The 1000 plugin discussion is accurate. Eclipse consumption and plugins went up in products and he's seen products with 4500 plugins.