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Orion/Meeting minutes/20120920
< Orion | Meeting minutes
- Andy
- Andrew
- Gosia
- Maciej
- Susan
- Simon
- Silenio
- Grant
- Libing
- Ken
- Mark
- Anton
- John
Try to get anything in by end of day today (Thursday). Expectation is to declare a build on Monday for M2. For RC1 attempt to not release any new functionality without prior approval.
- Andy - working internally to get Rigel release out
- Andrew - some content assist release. styling content assist proposals. Please provide feedback. Could we put a suite of plugins loaded at the same time as the editor.
- Gosia - EclipseDay in Krakow over 150 people. Orion tutorial had great response. Still planning to release early RC1 a new git log page that matches the style of the other git pages.
- Maciej - finished saving git credentials. only private key and passphrase but want to extend to git user name and password as well.
- Susan - Import from URL, feeds into create content extension. Basic underlying structure is there but the UI is a bit clunky. Talking about polish lists and smoke tests for 1.0.
- Simon - plugin registry and service registry and storage. code is done. consensus is to release before M2 and fix until we can declare M2. Are we ready to declare/release API for 1.0? (Susan) when you internationalize plugins there's a problem with keys after translation. bug 386890
- Silenio - released most of the code for wrapping feature. some changes would be visible even if you do not have wrapping. Some performance work ongoing. Editor example has it. Could we turn on wrapping depending on content? Could be a key binding?
- Grant - New GCLI is checked in. Multi-segment paths needs to be released yet. (cd /a/b/ for example)
- Libing - search options, search completion. you now have 2 check boxes, one to open in new tab defaulting to true. 2nd is regular expression. Also recent searches and saved searches. Trying to make the regex searching more user friendly.
- John - bugs - started writing JUnit tests for the search. Deadlock bug in preferences.
- Ken - extension commands needs work looking at that
- Mark - setting page. plugin contributed changes in different categories. 404 site problems (bug 385770) should be fixed.
- Anton - initialization theme data fixed. added ability to choose colour of current line. working on theme import from eclipse themes. wrote a blog post about themes. landing page refresh. planning to review search. Was using sftp export personally but it's not entirely useful. Lots of opportunity here.