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Orion/Meeting minutes/20120913
< Orion | Meeting minutes
- Andy
- Andrew
- Susan
- Simon
- Grant
- Libing
- Silenio
- Ken
- Anton
- John
- Mark
1 week left until end of M2.
- Andy - Trying to get Rigel code base published just working on internal process. Are we moving away from Dojo or are we putting that off? (Simon) Still trying to remove some dependencies but not complete yet. (John) Dialogs are certainly a big part. (Susan) Menu items and progress. (Andy) hoping that it will out in the next release.
- Andrew - Bug about content assist styling proposals. Provide CSS classes that proposals can use to style the proposals. (Ken) had a content assist delay when server was slow so I didn't know what was happening (Simon) maybe we can have app cache.
- Susan - Moved content creation into an extension point and waiting on some server stuff. Now should have capability to add new extensions there. Explorer and Navigator consumability.
- Simon - Events and Service Registry. How events are delivered. Try and avoid deferrers. Now in plugin registry and refactoring the methods there to essentially match OSGi. We'll be able to enable and disable plugins more easily. Process of updating plugin metadata will make more sense. Current metadata expires after 15 minutes so can effect performance. The updating of the plug data won't occur in the mainline of loading the page. Should be faster. Should be in tomorrow. Looking at preferences and making them synchronous. Still have Persona integration to finish.
- Grant - Entered CQ for GCLI content. Have changes waiting on that.
- Libing - Adding search options. Major change is trigger save search. Still in middle of adding search proposals (type ahead). Lucene added in completion service could make use of that. Fixed some bugs in selection model as well.
- Silenio - Working on wrapping code. Good progress. Still some performance issues. Working on cursor navigation. No API in browser so fighting that.
- Ken - Released paginated user list for Admin. Releasing server message structure for login.
- John - Other Eclipse work. URL Zip import for Susan done. Have 4-5 bugs left for M2. Biggest thing there is API cleanup. (Simon) plugin.js is going to become pluginprovider.js. This is a big change.
- Anton - Focussed on editor themes. Mainly introducing them and put them in so as to not conflict with UI themes. They're now data driven. So they will both work the same way. So likely will mean getting rid of the javascript editor page. Follow on pages can utilize these theming components. Will work on importing themes from other sources.
- Mark - Rewriting configuration framework. Redoing UI on settings page so that contributed settings appear in different categories in the UI. Try to fix the caching sites 404 errors.