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Orion/Meeting minutes/20120906
< Orion | Meeting minutes
- Ken
- Susan
- John
- Simon
- Mark
- Libing
- Silenio
- Grant
- Anton
- Two weeks until 1.0 M2 build
- If you are still doing work for M2 please make sure there is an open bug with a 1.0 M2 target milestone
- Build on is currently not minifying which makes it very slow
- Need to track down the failures: trailing commas and reserved words
- Code review tool has been released to master, integration with bugzilla via extra plugin
- Can save private key in user profile page
- Filtering Git branch and tags list
- Bug fixes and regression tests for URL changes
- Working on enabling phrase search on server
- Pagination of user list: server fixes in, client fixes about to be released
- Some discussion in UX call about notification and error reporting
- Want some basic mechanism for global system notices or notifications, probably on login page
- Need a mechanism to enable a plugin to contribute static sample/template content
- Some API work on explorer renderer model for navigator
- Looking for feedback on using the new esprima content assist
- Initial experience is very positive, no failures with it so far
- Aligning editor themes with general Orion UI themes.
- Identified several use cases to focus improvements to user experience
- Will only be able to make progress on a small set for M2 / 1.0
- Discusions with GGCLI committers to get in fixes we need for console
- There is a branch in GCLI for fixes we need so we can consume them safely
- Need a CQ for consuming new version of GCLI
- Still hoping to get editor word wrap and variable line height working for M2
- Added global search option for doing regular expression search
- Regex search is performed by client side crawling search
- Working on reorganizing and categorizing the settings page around configuration service
- Changed registry event API to use W3C event model
- Changes to test suites to handle tests that hang. Now when a test times out the individual test failures but the test suite continues running
- Need to do a pass to cleanup the API that is exposed to plugins: plugin.js, and service contracts