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Orion/Meeting minutes/20120330
< Orion | Meeting minutes
- Martin Lippert
- Andrew Eisenberg
- John Arthorne
- Simon Kaegi
- Szymon Brandys
Debug story
Two models:
- Orion runs inside the deployed application (OpenShift Orion cartridge)
- Orion runs separately from deployed app
- Our debug and deployment story varies greatly between these cases
- Would like a consistent debug story across client and server -
- For example node.js server application with js client side
- Debugging is more difficult when working with a remote deployed application
- Our site story only works for self hosting and static apps
- Need sites mechanism to support deploying to remote sites
- Is there some standard or commonly used deployment descriptor format to define mappings from source structure to deployed application (and deployment steps like build/minify)
- Need to be able to deploy in debug mode and have an agent running in the deployed app that orion can connect to for debugging
- Possibly use Puppet manifests as deployment descriptor
- "Launch as test" action on test.html files that will create and start a site if needed, and open tab on running tests
- Also ability to run tests defined in a JS file without a hand-crafted test.html file
- Would like to be able to run validator across entire source tree (problems view)
- Code coverage
Orion and Xtext
- Ability to provide some level of Orion tooling for Xtext grammars
- Easiest starting point might be server side integration
- Or generate JavaScript tools from Xtext model