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Orion/Meeting minutes/20120308
< Orion | Meeting minutes
- Andrew
- Susan
- Gosia
- Szymon
- Tomasz
- Simon
- Silenio
- McQ
- Grant
- John
- Max
- Libing
- Mark
- Kris
- 0.5 dates
- M1 April 13
- M2 May 25
- See official draft plan
- Dojo 1.7
- Anton will start looking at it but there will be a lot of work wherever we use DOJO widgets or DOM manipulation API
- Need to use AMD module loader
- Susan
- Gutting and rewiring command framework
- Fixing up some hacks done during 0.4 end-game
- Changing the way commands are rendered so clients can use
- to style command rendering
- Experimenting with visual plugins
- Pixlr plugin for image editing
- Szymon
- Working on EclipseCon tutorial
- Minor refactoring in git pages - removed old pages that were unused
- Tomek
- Looking at REST API for running git commands
- Discussion of whether we map command line to specific JGit calls on the client or server
- Shortest path is let the JGit library handle command parsing
- GCLI requires parsing of commands to happen on the client
- Gosia
- Looking at "old eclipse" bugs this week
- Andrew
- Did some internal Orion demos to very good feedback
- Interested in looking at mark occurrences support
- Discussion of whether plugins can contribute anything richer than a set of positions, such as styling information
- Kris
- Working on gcli and service for contributing commands
- Currently commands just contribute text but would like to expand it to richer content
- Need to ensure there is security on server wherever console commands are being interpreted
- Silenio
- Editor API changing - will send out a note with more details
- Editor no longer in an iframe - directly in the page
- As a result of this, the selection behaviour is changing - can't show unfocused selection different from focused selection
- Mark
- Bug fixing in site support
- Anton
- File upload UI - have drag and drop support working
- Added google analytics to plugin catalog
- Simon
- Working on EclipseCon preparation
- Using Orion to hack HTML5 slides
- Markdown viewer for tutorial.
- Considering how to manage security for plugins