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Orion/Meeting minutes/20110818
< Orion | Meeting minutes
- Mark
- Simon
- Silenio
- McQ
- Grant
- John
- Andrew
- Gosia
- Tomasz
- Szymon
- Linking support is now in the editor
- Started work on code folding
- Need to figure out separation between editor rendering and code that figures out semantics of higher level capabilities (styling, hyperlinks, folding, etc).
- Editor needs to be modular so light-weight editor is available for simple use cases
- Crossfire protocol returning error statuses
- Optimizing Crossfire protocol to reduce round trips
- Firefox 6 added to tests
- Need to update daily
- We need to have test pass earlier in week for milestones
- Editor is now free of Dojo
- Investigating better language tooling
- Looking at using language.js for outline view rather than JSLint
- Low hanging JS tooling fruit
- No hierarchy in outline
- Anonymous functions don't display well
- No error recovery at all - parsing fails on first error
- No classification of warnings vs errors
- Indentation handling not entirely consistent - e.g., tab back on close brace
- Contributing to JGit to fix bugs blocking Orion
- Refactoring authentication framework
- Avoid server-side JS injection
- Enable authentication across domains
- Talking to Chrome and Firefox about debug UIs