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Orion/Meeting minutes/20110519
< Orion | Meeting minutes
- David Williams
- Susan McCourt
- Mark
- McQ
- Libing
- Simon
- Silenio
- Felipe
- Boris
- Andrew
- Grant
- Dean
- John
- Szymon
- Tomasz
- Reviewing folder selection dialog work
- Working on lighter weight new file/folder dialogs
- Still need to get keybindings working outside the editor
- More polish work on the new look coming
- Possibly introduce a key assist popup to help with bindings
- Can now view details associated with a given commit in log/remote pages
- Working on support for switching branches
- Helping on some fixes for JGit
- Changing directory structure of our HTML/JS files
- Getting RequireJS integrated
- Fixed several compare editor bugs
- Can now host multiple compare editors in a page
- Need to separate git dependencies out of compare infrastructure
- Improving site editor UI - can start site right in the page where it is created
- Getting self-hosted Orion sites working
- Working on getting syntax highlighting incremental
- Increasing level of grammar support for syntax highlighting
- Help now integrated in the build, including jsdoc
- orionhub crashed for first time since March announcement. JVM crash of unknown cause.
- Rewrote how orion server is configured
- Blogged about embedding Orion editor in Eclipse desktop
- Need to generalize how people go about embedding parts of Orion
- Need to migrate plugin wire protocol to simpler HTML5 postMessage rather than OpenAjax hub
- Getting closer to consensus on details of the CrossFire protocol
- Added CSS optimization step into the build
- Looking at adding a console application for the mac
- Getting very close to self-hosting site launches working
- Fixed the full selection problem on the Mac