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Orion/Meeting minutes/20110407
< Orion | Meeting minutes
- Release date
- Language tooling
- Silenio Quarti
- Libing Wang
- Simon Kaegi
- Grant Gayed
- Mark Macdonald
- McQ Wilson
- Andrew Niefer
- John Arthorne
- Boris Bokowski
- Felipe Heidrich
- Susan McCourt
- Nayna Jain
- Changes to crossfire protocol
- Panel to start/stop debugging
- Extensible syntax colouring
- Looking at approaches used in CodeMirror/Ace/TextMate
- Added Chrome 11 to set of browsers we are testing
- Looking at adding IE 9 for testing
- Working on progress service
- we have Git Log UI ready, some bugs raised against this UI, but we are on it
- fetch API implemented
- merge API [in progress]
- fetch UI [in progress]
- working with repos on ssh [in progress]
- Support for multiple file services working in a branch
- Working on getting editor working on iPad
- Options for handling selection on iPad
- Emulate selection. Disadvantages: no native clipboard, doesn't look cool
- Text area overlaying whole text. Disadvantages: slow, limitations on syntax colouring
- Wait until iOS fixes contentEditable
- Performance testing of editor
- Working on displaying compare editor for git status and git diff
- Ability to compare arbitrary commits and even arbitrary files
- Working on 3-way merge editor
- Working on WebDAV support
- Exploring related authentication scenarios, cross-site authorization
- Improving user experience navigating through browser history
- Refactoring some of the parts of the navigator so they can be used in other views
- Working on directory prompter dialog
Discussion topics
- Do we release in June or just have a consolidation milestone