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Orion/Meeting minutes/20110210
< Orion | Meeting minutes
- Broken Links and mutability
- Update on JS Unit Tests and modularity
- Scope and Grouping of Commands
- Szymon Brandys
- Gosia Janczarska
- Tomasz Zarna
- Sundar
- Felipe Heidrich
- Mark MacDonald
- Susan McCourt
- John Arthorne
- McQ Wilson
- Boris Bokowski
- Libing Wang
- Andrew Niefer
- Grant Gayed
- Simon Kaegi
- Jon Ferraiolo
Commands and the UI
- Talked about the changes in the main pages
- Discussion around factoring commands for broad applicability
- Jon talked a bit about the approaches being taken in daVinci
- Some discussion around Context Menu, Key binding, and Command Bar and how we want to go forward in the editor
Identity and User Profile Service
- update on thinking on storage of configuration
- talked about problems inherent in storing user credentials
Debugger Update
- lots of good work going on for the crossfire protocol especially around breakpoint support