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ORMF team meeting minutes 23 nov 08
< To: ORMF progress reports
- Achim Loerke Wolfgang Ponikwar Barbara Rosi-Schwartz Joel Rosi-Schwartz
Unable to attend
- Vasile Chereches
- Yahya Ozturk
- George Sebastian
Round robin
Past week:
Mostly busy the recent week, not much time for ORMF available. Nevertheless she produced the high-level model in EMF, additional description will follow next week.
Next week:
- create a short description of the EMF model
- set up a Wiki page for collaboration on this subject
- set up a BugZilla issue for the EMF model subject to facilitate communication
Past week:
Working on the architecture to do some refinement to come to a reasonable level of detail for the team to continue
Next week:
- check in the current code base for the server as soon as the EF site is back up again. The architecture is work in progress, but the code should give a good starting point
- get deeper into OSGi and looking for a teammate to support
- plan to have a working system based on Useme within the next three weeks
Past week:
Took part in the Eclipse Summit and presented ORMF in the automotive symposium. Feedback was positive, he will rework some of the slides and provide them to the team. Achim hopes that some people will be attracted and will contribute in the future.
Traceability was an important issue for most of the people to allow connections to be made between requirements, documents and other artifacts.
Achim learned a lot on EMF on the conference and intends to use EMF much more.
Next week:
pick up the task to create an initial Architecture Document together with Wolfgang, which will be guided by Joel and Barbara.
Past week:
Wolfgang did not do much work on ORMF, mainly because he was waiting for input from Barbara. During the meeting the participants agreed to try to shift the workload more away from Joel and Barbara towards the other team members to reduce idle time on the one side and overload on the other side.
Next week:
pick up the task to create an initial Architecture Document together with Achim, which will be guided by Joel and Barbara.
Iteration Plan
First iteration did not turn out as expected. The idea is, to extend this iteration by six weeks. Iteration should end by end of this year, which collides with the Christmas holidays.
Configuration Management
Currently being worked on, no further information available today.
EclipseCon 2009
Several submissions are prepared for this conference: Achim will present an introduction on ORMF, Joel will present a long talk on the transition from an application to a framework and Barbara will talk about DSLs in the RE area (submission to follow).
Any other business
Stephane Some, a new volunteer from Canada, proposes to take the lead on the requirements survey issue. He is working at a university and specializes on Use Cases.