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Newsreader/Tutorials/How to hook your eclipse project newsgroup to salvo

How to hook your eclipse project newsgroup to salvo


This tutorial explains how you can hook your eclipse project/product newsgroup to salvo.
By hooking your project newsgroup with Salvo, Salvo will able to automatically figure out and suggests newsgroups to your project/product users where they can post their questions.


2.1 First add an org.eclipse.ecf.salvo.newsgroupProvider extension to your plug-in.


2.2 Now right click the added extension and add a newsgroup.

Depending on your requirement you may add multiple newsgroups.

2.3 Define the newsgroup name and the description.

2.4 Create a class which provides newsgroup information.
A newsgroup provider must implement the org.eclipse.ecf.salvo.ui.external.provider.INewsgroupProvider interface.
To create a new class which implements the INewsgroupProvider interface, click on the “class” link.
The following dialog will appear when you click on the “class” link.
Set class name and the package and then click finish.
When you click finish, you will see the generated class which implements the INewsgroupProvider interface.


2.5 Define newsgroup information.

In here you have to define the information of your newsgroup.
Please see the org.eclipse.ecf.salvo.ui.external.provider.INewsgroupProvider interface for more information.
Now first part of the process is completed.

2.6 Define when to enable your newsgroup.

Under the enablement section, using eclipse core expressions you can define the conditions that should satisfy to enable your newsgroup.
Following is a sample enablement definition.

Here the newsgroup is enabled when,
org.eclipse.ecf.salvo.application.perspective perspective is active or org.eclipse.ecf.salvo.ui.internal.views.messageView part is active or org.eclipse.ecf.salvo.ui.articlepanel editor is active.

Following is the plugin.xml configuration for the above extension.

Now the extension point definition is completed.

3.Test your extension point

When the user executes the Ask a question wizard, Salvo will automatically suggest your newsgroup to him/her, if the predefined conditions are satisfied at that moment.


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