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Nebula Stepbar
This widget displays a progress using a list of steps. It can be used for long forms splitted in different pages.
The first thing to do is instatiate the widget. 3 style flags can be applied : SWT.BORDER to display a border around the widget, SWT.TOP to display the text above the lines and circles (this is the default value), and SWT.BOTTOM to display the text under the lines.
Stepbar bar = new Stepbar(shell, SWT.BOTTOM | SWT.BORDER);
Then you specify the labels (one per each step), by using the setSteps method (the argument can be an array of strings or a list).
bar.setSteps(new String[] { "First step", "Second step", "Third step" });
The current step is represented by a grey circle. When a step is done, it is represented by a filled blue circle with a ticker.
You can set the current step by using the method setCurrentStep. The argument is zero-based (0 for the the first step, 1 for the second...)
If you want to specify that the current step is in error, you have to call the method setErrorState
An example called is located in the plugin org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.stepbar.snippets.
This example is also available here :