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Nebula/Releases/New Release/update the website
Update the website
If you have imported the psf file then you have the website checked out. The Nebula website is a separate project that uses Gerrit. You may add the PL and others as reviewers, or submit directly if you are confident. Every push to this website will be live within 5 minutes after submitting through Gerrit. Not much can break because we can always revert/resubmit.
What needs to be done
Basically you have to take care that the downloads page is up to date. This might involve creating and updating the Javadoc.
Just copy an existing release directory, make the obvious changes, edit the main downloads.php page, and you are done.
Updating the Javadoc
The Javadoc can be updated with the Javadoc Ant script. After the Javadoc has been generated, replace it in the release directory and push to Gerrit.