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Mylyn/Activity Tracing For Mylyn

This is the wiki page for the GSOC2012 project Activity Tracing for Mylyn.

Student: Timur A.
Mentor: Steffen Pingel
Bug ID: BUG 376233 / BUG 355974


The Mylyn task editor is the hub for task-focused collaboration. Yet, there are many other artifacts and activities that are part of the development workflow that are visualized in different views in the IDE. A unified activity view that aggregates tasks, builds, reviews and commits either in a dashboard or embedded in the task editor would nicely enhance traceability and visibility.

This additional data could show for example in the task editor or in a dashboard (new view). The new view helps the user to trace the selected tasks. One use case for this view could be, show the files, which are changed with the last commit. So the user have later the possibility to see, which files with this task are changed. Similar use cases are the build and review traces, who the user want see, if the selected task have an association with the build server task or a finished review task. So can die developer see, which changes have broken the build. With these additional data the task editor gets more connection to other developer tools.


Implementation steps:

  1. Show the commit informations in a TableViewer, which is embedded in the task editor.
  2. Extend the Tableviewer for the additional build and review data. The TableViewer displays now all needed data.
  3. Embed the additional data in the comment stream (task editor).
  4. Optional: Dashboard, which aggregates data about several tasks.




Current prototype is integrated in the Task Editor. A new tab extend the task editor for the activity tracing informations.
The TreeViewer shows at the moment the following informations:

  1. commit data: commit message, author, date, changed files
  2. build data: build project, build status, test summary, build date
  3. review data: task id, author, summary, date

Task editor commits builds reviews.png

Software Architecture / Plugin Structure

For this project I have created two new plugins named o.e.m.tasks.activity.core and o.e.m.tasks.activity.ui which have the following dependencies:
Plugin Dependencies.png


  • extend the Task Editor for additional informations: BUG 376233
    - commits (shows the author, date, message, changed files)
    - builds (shows the build status, build summary, build timestamp)
    - reviews (shows the task id, author, date, summary )


Here are my finished contributions, the changes are already in the Mylyn repositories.

  • extend the Task Editor through a new section which contains an empty tree viewer: Gerrit review
  • add activity provider for related tasks such as Gerrit reviews: Gerrit review
  • add activity provider for related tasks such as Changes sets [coming soon]
  • add activity provider for related tasks such as Changes sets [coming soon]


Milestone Date Items Status Bugzilla Entry
M1 May 01, 2012 Studying the documentation and existing code and prepare toolchain Finished BUG 196788 BUG 187698
BUG 197924 BUG 198004
BUG 336298 BUG 340794
BUG 355973 BUG 355015
M2 May 20, 2012 Create a design and mockup Finished BUG 378001
M3 July 15, 2012 Mid term: Show commit information in task editor Finished BUG 378097 BUG 380584
BUG 380843 BUG 378003
BUG 378005
M4 July 30, 2012 Show builds and code reviews in the task editor Finished BUG 378101 BUG 382100

BUG 383020 BUG 383023
BUG 384984 BUG 384985

M5 August 20, 2012 Pencils down: Documentation complete Finished N/A

Related Links

[1] Mylyn Restructuring
[2] Mylyn Contributor Reference
[3] Mylyn User Guide
[4] Tasktop Blog
[5] Related Task

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