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ModelingPlatform/September 15, Telephone Conference

Modeling Platform Meeting September 15, 2010 Teleconference


  1. Robert Blust, UBS AG
  2. Stephan Eberle, Geensys
  3. Kenn Hussey, Cloudsmith
  4. Ian Skerrett, Eclipse Foundation
  5. Toby McLean, Zeiligsoft
  6. Jerome Benois, Obeo
  7. Dominique Toupin, Ericsson

1. Review Requirements and Gap Analysis Document

Stephan reviewed the latest documents regarding the detailed requirements and gap analysis. Current documents available at

All participants are encourage to review the updated documents and provide comments/questions.

Current Schedule for the Project Plan: - Finish gap analysis and effort estimate (end of September) - Create proposed 2011 and 2012 plan (end of October) - Identify companies capable of implementing detailed features (end of October)

2. Face to Face Meeting - It was agreed that a face to face meeting will be held November 5 in Ludwigsburg Germany, after Eclipse Summit Europe. Focus of the meeting will be 1) review and finalize project plan for 2011 and 2) discuss the detailed charter for the industry working group.

3. Industry Working Group Formation - Ian discussed the need to create the industry working group once the project plan is finished. A draft charter for the working group has been distributed on the mailing list.

Next meeting: September 29, 2010, 10:30amET/16:30CET

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