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MoDisco/UI Accessibility Issues

This page decribes some necessary actions for satisfying the eclipse UI requirements (see User Interface Guidelines).

For menus and views, we should fix:

Use the view pulldown menu for presentation commands, not selection-oriented commands.
Fill the context menu with selection oriented commands.
Put only the most commonly used commands on the toolbar. Any command on a toolbar must also appear in a menu, either the context menu or the view menu.

Check all labels for :

Use Headline style capitalization for menus, tooltip and all titles, including those used for windows, dialogs, tabs, column headings and push buttons. Capitalize the first and last words, and all nouns, pronouns, adjectives, verbs and adverbs. Do not include ending punctuation.

Error handling (at the moment, we tend to log everything, without notifying the user when appropriate):

If a programming error occurs in the product, communicate the occurrence with a dialog, and log it.

We copied icons. We should reference them instead when possible:

Re-use existing graphics from the Common Elements library or other Eclipse-based plugins.

Cutting icons:

Cut the graphics with the specific placement shown to ensure alignment in the user interface.

Some of our commands are active even though they are not applicable (for example, see Bug 343537)

A command should only be enabled if it can be completed successfully.


Command enablement should be quick. If command enablement cannot be quick, enable the command optimistically and display an appropriate message if the command is invoked, but cannot be completed.

We should make sure all our dialogs have an initially focused control:

When a dialog opens, set the initial focus to the first input control in the container. If there are no input controls, the initial focus should be assigned to the default button.

We don't have an icon with the right size, and that respects the Eclipse style on all our wizards:

Each wizard must contain a header with a banner graphic and a text area for user feedback. It must also contain Back, Next, Finish, and Cancel buttons in the footer.

We should check all our wizards comply with these rules:

Start the wizard with a prompt, not an error message.
Seed the fields within the wizard using the current workbench state.
Validate the wizard data in tab order. Display a prompt when information is absent, and an error when information is invalid.
Only enable the Next / Finish buttons if all required information in the dialog is present and valid.
Remove all programming message ID's from wizard text.
Use a Browse Button whenever an existing object is referenced in a wizard.

We don't have Command Filters for all editable objects:

Implement an Command Filter for each object type in the editor.
Implement an Command Filter for each object type in the view.

Our validation markers don't fit:

The description text of each marker should be short and concise, so that it will fit in the status line of Eclipse.

MoDisco shouldn't have an empty root preference page:

If you create a preference group, use the root page for frequently used preferences, or those preferences which have wide spread effect. Specialize within the sub pages. The root preference page should not be blank.

Eveything is not currently accessible with the keyboard:

All of the features provided by a tool should be accessible using a mouse or the keyboard.

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