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< Mihini
Variable declaration
local sched = require 'sched' local log = require 'log' local gpio = require 'gpio'
gpio.availablelist() : Lists available GPIO on the System
local function getGpioList() local res=gpio.availablelist(); for k,v in pairs(res) do print(k,v) end end
gpio.configure(id, config) : Configures the GPIO parameters.
local function configureGpio() local val = gpio.configure(2,{direction="in", edge="both", activelow="1"}) --Gpio 0 as input local val2 = gpio.configure(17,{direction="out", edge="both", activelow="0"}) -- GPIO 17 as output print(val..val2) end
gpio.getconfig(id) : Retrieves GPIO configuration
local function getConfig() res=gpio.getconfig(2) --get config of gpio2 for k,v in pairs(res) do print(k,v) end end : Reads a GPIO value.
local function readGpio() val = print(val) ---(val=1 if input =5v and val=0 if input=0 (note floating point gives you 1)) end
gpio.register(id, userhook) : Registers a GPIO for monitoring it for changes.
local function hookUp(id,value) print("gpio %d has changed ! new value =%s",id,value) end
local function registerGpio() gpio.register(17,hookUp) end
gpio.write(id, value) : Writes a GPIO value.
local function writeGpio() gpio.write(17,0) sched.wait(2) gpio.write(17,1) end
Main function to sequentially call all the above API's
local function main() getGpioList() getGpioList() configureGpio() getConfig() registerGpio() readGpio() writeGpio() readGpio()