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Menu Contributions/Toggle Mark Occurrences
Add Toggle Mark Occurrences to main toolbar
We can provide the Toggle Mark Occurrences toolbar button. It's normally contributed through an actionSet as a retargettable action, and the Java and Class File editors *EditorActionBarContributors provide the implementation ToggleMarkOccurrencesAction through IActionBars#setGlobalActionHandler(*).
In 3.3 the enablement is tied to the command, and for the other behaviours we allow the active handler to update the UI presentation.
The command service keeps a list of registered UI elements, which can be updated by the active handler. The checked state can be updated through UIElement#setChecked(boolean);
private boolean isChecked() { return getStore().getBoolean( PreferenceConstants.EDITOR_MARK_OCCURRENCES); } public void updateElement(UIElement element, Map parameters) { element.setChecked(isChecked()); }
When the toggle handler runs, it can request that any UI elements have their appearance updated from its execute(*) method:
ICommandService service = (ICommandService) serviceLocator .getService(ICommandService.class); service.refreshElements( IJavaEditorActionDefinitionIds.TOGGLE_MARK_OCCURRENCES, null);
This command doesn't have a default handler, as it only applies to specific editors that are provided. So we would provide the handler for the java editor.
<extension point="org.eclipse.ui.handlers"> <handler class="org.eclipse.jdt.internal.ui.javaeditor.ToggleMarkOccurrencesHandler" commandId="" helpContextId="org.eclipse.jdt.ui.toggle_mark_occurrences_action_context"> <activeWhen> <with variable="activeEditorId"> <or> <equals value="org.eclipse.jdt.ui.CompilationUnitEditor"> </equals> <equals value="org.eclipse.jdt.ui.ClassFileEditor"> </equals> </or> </with> </activeWhen> </handler> </extension>
We're active for both the Java editor and the Class File editor. There is also the option to programmatically install the handler.
AndExpression expr = new AndExperssion(); expr.add(new ActivePartIdExpression("org.eclipse.jdt.ui.CompilationUnitEditor")); expr.add(new ActivePartIdExpression("org.eclipse.jdt.ui.ClassFileEditor")); IHandlerService handlerServ = (IHandlerService)getSite().getWorkbenchWindow().getService(IHandlerService.class); toggleOccurrencesHandler = new ToggleMarkOccurrencesHandler(); handlerServ.activateHandler("", toggleOccurrencesHandler, expr);
Since the same handler is valid for both editors, we install it with a specific expression and don't tie the activation to the part site. But as written, the toggleOccurrencesHandler
will exist as long as the workbench window exists.
In 3.3M5 ActionSets generate and update active contexts.
<extension point="org.eclipse.ui.menus"> <menuContribution locationURI="toolbar:org.eclipse.ui.main.toolbar?after=additions"> <toolbar id="org.eclipse.ui.edit.text.actionSet.presentation"> <command commandId="" disabledIcon="$nl$/icons/full/dtool16/mark_occurrences.gif" helpContextId="toggle_mark_occurrences_action_context" icon="$nl$/icons/full/etool16/mark_occurrences.gif" id="" label="%toggleMarkOccurrences.label" style="toggle" tooltip="%toggleMarkOccurrences.tooltip"> <visibleWhen checkEnabled="false"> <with variable="activeContexts"> <iterate operator="or"> <equals value=""> </equals> </iterate> </with> </visibleWhen> </command> </toolbar> </menuContribution> </extension>
This item is also tied to an actionSet.
Menus API
The above XML can be done using the menus API:
public static void createToggleMarkOccurrences() { final IMenuService menuService = (IMenuService) PlatformUI .getWorkbench().getService(IMenuService.class); final ImageDescriptor markOccurDesc = AbstractUIPlugin .imageDescriptorFromPlugin("org.eclise.ui.tests", "icons/full/etool16/mark_occurrences.gif"); final ImageDescriptor disabledMarkOccurDesc = AbstractUIPlugin .imageDescriptorFromPlugin("org.eclise.ui.tests", "icons/full/dtool16/mark_occurrences.gif"); AbstractContributionFactory contribution = new AbstractContributionFactory( "toolbar:org.eclipse.ui.edit.text.actionSet.presentation?after=Presentation") { public void createContributionItems(IMenuService menuService, List additions) { IContributionItem item = new CommandContributionItem( null, "", null, markOccurDesc, disabledMarkOccurDesc, null, null, null, "Toggle Mark Occurrences", CommandContributionItem.STYLE_CHECK); menuService .registerVisibleWhen( item, new ActiveActionSetExpression( "")); additions.add(item); } public void releaseContributionItems(IMenuService menuService, List items) { } }; menuService.addContributionFactory(contribution); }
This asks for a toolbar root in the org.eclipse.ui.edit.text.actionSet.presentation toolbar after the Presentation id.
It's contributed with a visibleWhen clause ActiveActionSetExpression("")
, so it will be visible when the actionSet is active.
The registerVisibleWhen() method might be changing in 3.3M6