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Menu Contributions/Toggle Button Command
You can create a command with a required parameter. The parameter will be passed during every execution.
Command Definition
Define a command with a state. The state id should be org.eclipse.ui.commands.toggleState.
<command defaultHandler="org.eclipse.examples.BoldHandler" id="org.eclipse.examples.boldCommand" name="Bold"> <state class="org.eclipse.ui.handlers.RegistryToggleState:true" id="org.eclipse.ui.commands.toggleState"> </state> </command>
The state can be initialized with a default value, which reflects in the Menu
The handler will receive the state. Its the responsibility of the handler to update the state of the command.
public class CheckHandler extends AbstractHandler{ public Object execute(ExecutionEvent event) throws ExecutionException { Command command = event.getCommand(); boolean oldValue = HandlerUtil.toggleCommandState(command); // use the old value and perform the operation return null; } }
Menu Contribution
Then you add menu contributions as you would do with any command, except you need to set the style to toggle:
<menuContribution locationURI="menu:help?after=additions"> <command commandId="org.eclipse.examples.boldCommand" label="Bold" style="toggle"> </command>