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M2E-WTP/New and Noteworthy/1.1.0
New and Noteworthy in m2e-wtp 1.1.0
m2e-wtp 1.1.0 is a maintenance release. List of all issues fixed for m2e-wtp 1.1.0 : [1]
m2e-wtp requires an Eclipse JavaEE distribution(Kepler or Luna), m2e 1.5 and the Maven Archiver 0.16.0+ feature from Sonatype. m2e-wtp 1.1.0 can be installed from :
Its dependencies will be automatically discovered and installed if necessary.
Restart your workspace after the installation.
Disable m2e-wtp
If, for whatever reason, you find m2e-wtp conflicts with your work, you can decide to disable it in the Project or Workspace Preferences, under Preferences > Maven > Java EE Integration. Uncheck the "Enable Java EE Configuration" preference to disable m2e-wtp :
m2e-wtp can also be disabled via the <m2e.wtp.activation>false<m2e.wtp.activation> in the Maven <properties> section of your project pom;xml. This property available is available as a template when you hit Ctrl+Space while editing the the <properties> section :
When <m2e.wtp.activation> is set in the pom, it overrides the current Eclipse project/workspace preference