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< Lyo

Building and Running Lyo reference implementations (RIOs) in Eclipse

OSLC4J-based RIOs

NOTE: The instructions below are for the "old" RIOs. There are newer RIOs that leverage OSLC4J.

The Projects for the OSLC4J-based RIOs are in the same git repository as the "old" ones, namely:
and have names such as:

Instructions for running the OSLC4J-based RIOs are on the Lyo/BuildingOSLC4J wiki page, e.g.: instructions for running the Change Management provider.


Clone the Lyo RIO git repository

This example assumes EGit is being used


  • On the Branch Selection page, select the master branch
  • On the Local Destination page, specify a location or accept the default and click Finish

The repository should now show up in your Git Repositories view

Import Eclipse projects from the git repository

  • In the Git Repositories view, right click and select Import Projects
  • Select the Import Existing Projects wizard and click next
  • Select all components of RIO


Build the projects

  • In the Eclipse Package Explorer view, select all RIO projects, right click and select Maven->Update Project Configuration and click OK
  • Build each project (in the order described below) as follows:
    • Expand the project
    • Right click pom.xml and select Run As->Maven install. (Depending on what plugins are in your Eclipse install, Maven might have to download dependencies.)
  • Build order for RIO projects:
    • the others (e.g. AM, CM, RM), in any order
  • If still shows an error, right click the project and select Maven->Update Project Configuration again.
  • IBM JVM/JRE Users: There is an issue with m2eclipse and the the IBM JRE. If you have see the error java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder when running a Maven install, you need to copy a newer slf4j api jar into your JRE directory to work around the issue until it is fixed:
  • If there is still a workspace error at this point, add target/generated-sources/antlr3 to the project build path. This will be fixed by

Run a reference implementation web application

This example is for the CM provider.

  • Select Run->Run Configurations and double click Maven Build
  • Give the configuration a name
  • Specify a base directory of ${workspace_loc:/} and a goal of jetty:run-exploded and Click Run


You should now be able to point a local web browser at http://localhost:8080/rio-cm and start working with the reference implementation.

Building and Running the Lyo RIO project using Git and Maven


Clone the RIO git repository

Build the projects

  • Build Core
    • cd to in git repository
    • mvn install
    • cd to in git repository
    • mvn install
  • Build CM RIO (for example)
    • cd to
    • mvn install

Run a reference implementation web application

    • cd to the desired RIO directory (am/cm/rm)
    • mvn jetty:run-exploded

You should now be able to point a local web browser at http://localhost:8080/rio-cm and start working with the reference implementation.

Ctrl-C will stop it.

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