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LDT/Developer Area/Lua Internal Model
Internal Lua Model
This model come as an extension of the lua external api model. This model is an internal view of a lua file. This model is used by IDE to do :
- auto-completion
- go to definition
- highlight occurences
- show documentation
The code relative to this model is based on lua and metalua, it is accessible here.
internal content
This is the internal view of a lua file
internalcontent .list(item) unknownglobalvars .block content
A block is a container of "node". It also hold a list of variable declarations.
block .list (Item,scope) localvars .list (node) content .(offsetmin, offsetmax) sourcerange
a scope is the offsetmin and the offsetmax which define the visibility range
A node is ast element which have a representation in the source code. Now, we only need Identifier, Index, Call and Invoke element.
identifier .(offsetmin, offsetmax) sourcerange .item definition
index .(offsetmin, offsetmax) sourcerange .expr left .string right
call .(offsetmin, offsetmax) sourcerange .expr function
Invoke .(offsetmin, offsetmax) sourcerange . expr record . string functioname
The definition of an identifier is an item which could be :
- a local declaration of a block of this file
- a global var declared in the external api
- an unresolvedglobalvar stored at the root of the internal view.
External API Model Extension
To implements highlight occurences, item needs be modified
.string name
.string description
.typeref type
.list(Identifier) occurrences
We also need more typeref.
When a variable is initialized with require "my.module"
, the type ref is a moduletyperef which will be resolved later.
moduletyperef .string modulename .int returnposition
When a variable is initialized with a complex expression like mymodule.newObject()
, the type ref is a exprtyperef which will be resolved later.
exprtyperef .expr expression .int returnposition