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JavaScript Policy Context Provider



NOTE: The JavaScript Policy Context Provider configuration XML file format was designed to be used to configure any number and type of Context Provider. Other Higgins Context Providers contributed by Novell currently use this same format. Work is currently underway which may change or eliminate this method of CP configuration.

The JavaScript Policy Context Provider is configured through an XML file whose format is specified by the following XML schema:

Configuration XML Schema

Currently, there is only one fully functional example JavaScript Policy CP configuration file (JSPolicyJNDICPTest.xml). This example causes the JavaScript Policy CP to wrap the JNDI CP which is, in turn, configured by this file (JNDICPTest.xml). They are available in the org.eclipse.higgins.idas.cp.jspolicy.test project. Instructions on how to access this project is available here: JavaScript Policy CP Projects.

Each Context configuration section is described by a "Realm" definition within the XML file. For purposes of this documentation, the terms "Realm" and "Context" are synonymous.

Realm Configuration Elements


This element should encapsulate all realm definitions and other global configuration. This element should also define the namespaces to be used globally throughout the configuration document.


See Also

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