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JakartaEE New Infra Release Job
Following Jenkins job allows to release project component from any branch of specific GitHub repository. Features:
- automatic version numbers generation
- existing version overwrite
- dry run (without GitHub repository modification and OSS nexus upload)
Job setup must also follow this guide
Job parameters
This project is parameterized: checked
Name | Type | Default | Description |
RELEASE_VERSION | String | Version to release. Default value is from POM snapshot. | |
NEXT_VERSION | String | Next snapshot version to set (e.g. 1.2.3-SNAPSHOT). Default value is RELEASE_VERSION with last component incremented by 1. | |
BRANCH | String | master | Branch to release. Default value is master. |
DRY_RUN | Boolean | false | Do not publish artifacts to OSSRH and code changes to GitHub. |
OVERWRITE | Boolean | false | Overwrite existing version in git and OSSRH staging repositories. |
Shell script
Job Environment
Job is being executed by bash. Specific settings for Java build tools in new Jenkins environment:
#!/bin/bash -ex TOOLS_PREFIX='/opt/tools' JAVA_PREFIX="${TOOLS_PREFIX}/java/openjdk" MVN_HOME="${TOOLS_PREFIX}/apache-maven/latest" JAVA_HOME="${JAVA_PREFIX}/jdk-11/latest" PATH="${MVN_HOME}/bin:${JAVA_HOME}/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin"
Input Parameters Processing
RELEASE_VERSION and NEXT_VERSION values can be empty. Following code replaces empty values with proper values:
- RELEASE_VERSION: version number from current snapshot version string
- NEXT_VERSION: RELEASE_VERSION with latest version component incremented by 1 and
Release tag name is also prepared.
# Maven plugins VERSIONS_PLUGIN='org.codehaus.mojo:versions-maven-plugin:2.7' HELP_PLUGIN='org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-help-plugin:3.1.0' # Check whether top level pom.xml contains SNAPSHOT version if ! grep '<version>' pom.xml | grep 'SNAPSHOT' ; then echo '-[ Missing SNAPSHOT version in POM! ]-------------------------------------------' exit 1 fi # Compute release versions SNAPSHOT_VERSION=`mvn -B ${HELP_PLUGIN}:evaluate -Pstaging -Dexpression=project.version 2> /dev/null | grep -E '^[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)+-SNAPSHOT$'` if [ -z "${RELEASE_VERSION}" ]; then if [ -z ${SNAPSHOT_VERSION} ]; then echo '-[ Missing required snapshot version number! ]----------------------------------' fi RELEASE_VERSION=`echo ${SNAPSHOT_VERSION} | sed -e 's/-SNAPSHOT//'` fi # Bash specific code if [ -z "${NEXT_VERSION}" ]; then NEXT_VERSION=`echo ${RELEASE_VERSION} | sed -e 's/\([0-9][0-9]*\.[0-9][0-9]*\).*/\1/'` set -f NEXT_COMPONENTS=(${RELEASE_VERSION//\./ }) LAST_INDEX=$((${#NEXT_COMPONENTS[@]} - 1)) NEXT_COMPONENTS[${LAST_INDEX}]=$((${NEXT_COMPONENTS[${LAST_INDEX}]} + 1)) NEXT_VERSION=`echo ${NEXT_COMPONENTS[@]} | tr ' ' '.'`'-SNAPSHOT' fi RELEASE_TAG="${RELEASE_VERSION}-RELEASE" echo "Current version: ${SNAPSHOT_VERSION}" echo "Release version: ${RELEASE_VERSION}" echo "Next version: ${NEXT_VERSION}" echo "Release tag: ${RELEASE_TAG}" if [ -z "${SNAPSHOT_VERSION}" -o -z "${RELEASE_VERSION}" -o -z "${NEXT_VERSION}" ]; then echo '-[ Missing required version numbers! ]------------------------------------------' exit 1 fi
Git and Build Environment Preparation
If OVERWRITE argument is active (true), remote release branch and tag names are deleted.
If DRY_RUN argument is active (true), deploy:deploy
argument won't be passed to maven.
Old local release branch and tag are always deleted if exist and local release branch is initialized to store all code changes related to this release.
GitHub bot name and e-mail are set in git configuration.
if [ ${DRY_RUN} = 'true' ]; then echo '-[ Dry run turned on ]----------------------------------------------------------' MVN_DEPLOY_ARGS='' echo '-[ Skipping GitHub branch and tag checks ]--------------------------------------' else MVN_DEPLOY_ARGS='nexus-staging:deploy' GIT_ORIGIN=`git remote` echo '-[ Prepare branch ]-------------------------------------------------------------' if [[ -n `git branch -r | grep "${GIT_ORIGIN}/${RELEASE_VERSION}"` ]]; then if [ "${OVERWRITE}" = 'true' ]; then echo "${GIT_ORIGIN}/${RELEASE_VERSION} branch already exists, deleting" git push --delete ${GIT_ORIGIN} "${RELEASE_VERSION}" && true else echo "Error: ${GIT_ORIGIN}/${RELEASE_VERSION} branch already exists" exit 1 fi fi echo '-[ Release tag cleanup ]--------------------------------------------------------' if [[ -n `git ls-remote --tags ${GIT_ORIGIN} | grep "${RELEASE_TAG}"` ]]; then if [ "${OVERWRITE}" = 'true' ]; then echo "${RELEASE_TAG} tag already exists, deleting" git push --delete ${GIT_ORIGIN} "${RELEASE_TAG}" && true else echo "Error: ${RELEASE_TAG} tag already exists" exit 1 fi fi fi # Always delete local branch if exists git branch --delete "${RELEASE_VERSION}" && true git checkout -b ${RELEASE_VERSION} # Always delete local tag if exists git tag --delete "${RELEASE_TAG}" && true # Setup jaxb-impl-bot account information git config --global "" git config --global "Eclipse JAXBimpl Bot"
Workaround: GPG initialization
GPG setup is missing in Docker image and GPG keys are passed in KEYRING environment variables. Content of this variable must be processed and stored into GPG key store.
# Workaround: GPG initialization gpg --batch --import ${KEYRING} for fpr in $(gpg --list-keys --with-colons | awk -F: '/fpr:/ {print $10}' | sort -u); do echo -e "5\ny\n" | gpg --batch --command-fd 0 --expert --edit-key $fpr trust; done
Set Release Version
Project Group ID and Artifact ID values are retrieved from maven project (pom.xml
). Those values are used in git commit messages and nexus deployments description.
Release version is set in maven project (pom.xml
Updated project is stored in git release branch with corresponding message.
is not required to update project versions in most cases so you may remove it from both version updating maven calls. But there are exceptions like jaxb-ri or metro-jax-ws with boms
where parent must be updated too.
# Project identifiers ARTIFACT_ID=$(mvn -B ${HELP_PLUGIN}:evaluate -Dexpression=project.artifactId -Pstaging | grep -Ev '(^\[)') GROUP_ID=$(mvn -B ${HELP_PLUGIN}:evaluate -Dexpression=project.groupId -Pstaging | grep -Ev '(^\[)') STAGING_DESC="${GROUP_ID}:${ARTIFACT_ID}:${RELEASE_VERSION}" STAGING_KEY=$(echo ${STAGING_DESC} | sed -e 's/\./\\\./g')
echo '-[ Set release version ]--------------------------------------------------------' # Set release version mvn -U -C -B -Pstaging \ -DnewVersion="${RELEASE_VERSION}" -DparentVersion="${RELEASE_VERSION}" \ -DprocessAllModules=true -DgenerateBackupPoms=false \ clean ${VERSIONS_PLUGIN}:set ${VERSIONS_PLUGIN}:update-parent echo '-[ Commit modified pom.xml files ]----------------------------------------------' POM_FILES=`git status | grep -E 'modified:.*pom\.xml' | sed -e 's/[[:space:]][[:space:]]*modified:[[:space:]][[:space:]]*//'` git add ${POM_FILES} && \ git commit -m "Prepare release ${GROUP_ID}:${ARTIFACT_ID}:${RELEASE_VERSION}"
Build and Deploy Artifacts
Old Nexus deployments with the same description groupId:artifactId:version
are dropped.
All artifacts are built and deployed to the staging repository.
Code with release versions is tagged with release tag.
This maven task requires specific settings.xml
file with GPG setup.
Profile oss-release
is defined in parent POM. It contains setup for packaging sources and javadoc and specific setup for GPG signing plugin (--pinentry-mode loopback
). Minimal version of parent POM is 1.0.5
Project's pom.xml must define versions for the following plugins:
- maven-enforcer-plugin
- maven-source-plugin
- maven-javadoc-plugin
- maven-gpg-plugin
echo '-[ Drop old staging repository deployments ]------------------------------------' for staging_key in $(mvn -B nexus-staging:rc-list -Pstaging | egrep "^\[INFO\] [A-Z,a-z,-]+-[0-9]+\s+[A-Z]+\s+${STAGING_KEY}" | awk '{print $2}'); do echo "Repository ID: ${staging_key}" mvn -U -C -B -Pstaging \ -DstagingRepositoryId="${staging_key}" \ nexus-staging::rc-drop done echo '-[ Deploy artifacts to staging repository ]-------------------------------------' mvn -U -C -B -Poss-release,staging \ -DskipTests -Ddoclint=none \ -DstagingDescription="${STAGING_DESC}" \ clean package source:jar javadoc:jar gpg:sign install:install ${MVN_DEPLOY_ARGS} echo '-[ Tag release ]----------------------------------------------------------------' git tag "${RELEASE_TAG}" -m "Release ${GROUP_ID}:${ARTIFACT_ID}:${RELEASE_VERSION}"
Set Next Development Cycle Version
Next development cycle SNAPSHOT version is set in maven project (pom.xml
Updated project is stored in git release branch with corresponding message.
echo '-[ Set next snapshot version ]--------------------------------------------------' mvn -U -C -B -Pstaging \ -DnewVersion="${NEXT_VERSION}" -DparentVersion="${NEXT_VERSION}" \ -DprocessAllModules=true -DgenerateBackupPoms=false \ clean ${VERSIONS_PLUGIN}:set ${VERSIONS_PLUGIN}:update-parent echo '-[ Commit modified pom.xml files ]----------------------------------------------' POM_FILES=`git status | grep -E 'modified:.*pom\.xml' | sed -e 's/[[:space:]][[:space:]]*modified:[[:space:]][[:space:]]*//'` git add ${POM_FILES} && \ git commit -m "Prepare next development cycle for ${NEXT_VERSION}"
NOTE: Once you're committed to the release, this release branch should be merged into master and deleted. This will move master to the next snapshot version and prepare it for future development. For example:
$ git pull -r $ git merge origin/1.2.3-RELEASE $ git push origin master $ git branch -D 1.2.3-RELEASE # deletes local branch, in case it exists $ git push origin :1.2.3-RELEASE # deletes remote branch
Update Git Repository
If DRY_RUN argument is not active (false), release branch and tag will be pushed to GitHub.
if [ ${DRY_RUN} = 'true' ]; then echo '-[ Skipping GitHub update ]-----------------------------------------------------' else echo '-[ Push branch and tag to GitHub ]----------------------------------------------' git push ${GIT_ORIGIN} "${RELEASE_VERSION}" git push ${GIT_ORIGIN} "${RELEASE_TAG}" fi
Project pom.xml in a Subdirectory
Previous script will work only when pom.xml
is in top level directory (WORKSPACE
) of the Jenkins job. Here is script modified for top level pom.xml in a subdirectory:
#!/bin/bash -ex TOOLS_PREFIX='/opt/tools' JAVA_PREFIX="${TOOLS_PREFIX}/java/openjdk" MVN_HOME="${TOOLS_PREFIX}/apache-maven/latest" JAVA_HOME="${JAVA_PREFIX}/jdk-11/latest" PATH="${MVN_HOME}/bin:${JAVA_HOME}/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin" # Maven plugins VERSIONS_PLUGIN='org.codehaus.mojo:versions-maven-plugin:2.7' HELP_PLUGIN='org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-help-plugin:3.1.0' # Directory with project top level pom.xml BUILD_DIR="${WORKSPACE}/jaxws-ri" cd ${BUILD_DIR} # Check whether top level pom.xml contains SNAPSHOT version if ! grep '<version>' pom.xml | grep 'SNAPSHOT' ; then echo '-[ Missing SNAPSHOT version in POM! ]-------------------------------------------' exit 1 fi # Compute release versions SNAPSHOT_VERSION=`mvn -B ${HELP_PLUGIN}:evaluate -Pstaging -Dexpression=project.version 2> /dev/null | grep -E '^[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)+-SNAPSHOT$'` if [ -z "${RELEASE_VERSION}" ]; then if [ -z ${SNAPSHOT_VERSION} ]; then echo '-[ Missing required snapshot version number! ]----------------------------------' fi RELEASE_VERSION=`echo ${SNAPSHOT_VERSION} | sed -e 's/-SNAPSHOT//'` fi # Bash specific code if [ -z "${NEXT_VERSION}" ]; then NEXT_VERSION=`echo ${RELEASE_VERSION} | sed -e 's/\([0-9][0-9]*\.[0-9][0-9]*\).*/\1/'` set -f NEXT_COMPONENTS=(${RELEASE_VERSION//\./ }) LAST_INDEX=$((${#NEXT_COMPONENTS[@]} - 1)) NEXT_COMPONENTS[${LAST_INDEX}]=$((${NEXT_COMPONENTS[${LAST_INDEX}]} + 1)) NEXT_VERSION=`echo ${NEXT_COMPONENTS[@]} | tr ' ' '.'`'-SNAPSHOT' fi RELEASE_TAG="${RELEASE_VERSION}-RELEASE" echo "Current version: ${SNAPSHOT_VERSION}" echo "Release version: ${RELEASE_VERSION}" echo "Next version: ${NEXT_VERSION}" echo "Release tag: ${RELEASE_TAG}" if [ -z "${SNAPSHOT_VERSION}" -o -z "${RELEASE_VERSION}" -o -z "${NEXT_VERSION}" ]; then echo '-[ Missing required version numbers! ]------------------------------------------' exit 1 fi if [ ${DRY_RUN} = 'true' ]; then echo '-[ Dry run turned on ]----------------------------------------------------------' MVN_DEPLOY_ARGS='' echo '-[ Skipping GitHub branch and tag checks ]--------------------------------------' else MVN_DEPLOY_ARGS='nexus-staging:deploy' GIT_ORIGIN=`git remote` echo '-[ Prepare branch ]-------------------------------------------------------------' if [[ -n `git branch -r | grep "${GIT_ORIGIN}/${RELEASE_VERSION}"` ]]; then if [ "${OVERWRITE}" = 'true' ]; then echo "${GIT_ORIGIN}/${RELEASE_VERSION} branch already exists, deleting" git push --delete ${GIT_ORIGIN} "${RELEASE_VERSION}" && true else echo "Error: ${GIT_ORIGIN}/${RELEASE_VERSION} branch already exists" exit 1 fi fi echo '-[ Release tag cleanup ]--------------------------------------------------------' if [[ -n `git ls-remote --tags ${GIT_ORIGIN} | grep "${RELEASE_TAG}"` ]]; then if [ "${OVERWRITE}" = 'true' ]; then echo "${RELEASE_TAG} tag already exists, deleting" git push --delete ${GIT_ORIGIN} "${RELEASE_TAG}" && true else echo "Error: ${RELEASE_TAG} tag already exists" exit 1 fi fi fi cd ${WORKSPACE} # Always delete local branch if exists git branch --delete "${RELEASE_VERSION}" && true git checkout -b ${RELEASE_VERSION} # Always delete local tag if exists git tag --delete "${RELEASE_TAG}" && true # Setup jaxb-impl-bot account information git config --global "" git config --global "Eclipse JAXBimpl Bot" # Workaround: GPG initialization gpg --batch --import ${KEYRING} for fpr in $(gpg --list-keys --with-colons | awk -F: '/fpr:/ {print $10}' | sort -u); do echo -e "5\ny\n" | gpg --batch --command-fd 0 --expert --edit-key $fpr trust; done cd ${BUILD_DIR} # Project identifiers ARTIFACT_ID=$(mvn -B ${HELP_PLUGIN}:evaluate -Dexpression=project.artifactId -Pstaging | grep -Ev '(^\[)') GROUP_ID=$(mvn -B ${HELP_PLUGIN}:evaluate -Dexpression=project.groupId -Pstaging | grep -Ev '(^\[)') STAGING_DESC="${GROUP_ID}:${ARTIFACT_ID}:${RELEASE_VERSION}" STAGING_KEY=$(echo ${STAGING_DESC} | sed -e 's/\./\\\./g') echo '-[ Set release version ]--------------------------------------------------------' # Set release version mvn -U -C -B -Pstaging \ -DnewVersion="${RELEASE_VERSION}" -DparentVersion="${RELEASE_VERSION}" \ -DprocessAllModules=true -DgenerateBackupPoms=false \ clean ${VERSIONS_PLUGIN}:set ${VERSIONS_PLUGIN}:update-parent cd ${WORKSPACE} echo '-[ Commit modified pom.xml files ]----------------------------------------------' POM_FILES=`git status | grep -E 'modified:.*pom\.xml' | sed -e 's/[[:space:]][[:space:]]*modified:[[:space:]][[:space:]]*//'` git add ${POM_FILES} && \ git commit -m "Prepare release ${GROUP_ID}:${ARTIFACT_ID}:${RELEASE_VERSION}" cd ${BUILD_DIR} echo '-[ Drop old staging repository deployments ]------------------------------------' for staging_key in $(mvn -B nexus-staging:rc-list -Pstaging | egrep "^\[INFO\] [A-Z,a-z,-]+-[0-9]+\s+[A-Z]+\s+${STAGING_KEY}" | awk '{print $2}'); do echo "Repository ID: ${staging_key}" mvn -U -C -B -Pstaging \ -DstagingRepositoryId="${staging_key}" \ nexus-staging::rc-drop done echo '-[ Deploy artifacts to staging repository ]-------------------------------------' mvn -U -C -B -Poss-release,staging \ -DskipTests -Ddoclint=none \ -DstagingDescription="${STAGING_DESC}" \ clean package source:jar javadoc:jar gpg:sign install:install ${MVN_DEPLOY_ARGS} cd ${WORKSPACE} echo '-[ Tag release ]----------------------------------------------------------------' git tag "${RELEASE_TAG}" -m "Release ${GROUP_ID}:${ARTIFACT_ID}:${RELEASE_VERSION}" cd ${BUILD_DIR} echo '-[ Set next snapshot version ]--------------------------------------------------' mvn -U -C -B -Pstaging \ -DnewVersion="${NEXT_VERSION}" -DparentVersion="${NEXT_VERSION}" \ -DprocessAllModules=true -DgenerateBackupPoms=false \ clean ${VERSIONS_PLUGIN}:set ${VERSIONS_PLUGIN}:update-parent cd ${WORKSPACE} echo '-[ Commit modified pom.xml files ]----------------------------------------------' POM_FILES=`git status | grep -E 'modified:.*pom\.xml' | sed -e 's/[[:space:]][[:space:]]*modified:[[:space:]][[:space:]]*//'` git add ${POM_FILES} && \ git commit -m "Prepare next development cycle for ${NEXT_VERSION}" if [ ${DRY_RUN} = 'true' ]; then echo '-[ Skipping GitHub update ]-----------------------------------------------------' else echo '-[ Push branch and tag to GitHub ]----------------------------------------------' git push ${GIT_ORIGIN} "${RELEASE_VERSION}" git push ${GIT_ORIGIN} "${RELEASE_TAG}" fi