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- Marc Dutoo
- Florian Lautenbacher
- Christian Saad
Helios Release
- Try to include meta model changes if possible
- Improvement of meta model as discussed in BugZilla
- Extension of meta model for BPMN view (should be discussed on mailing list)
- BPMN/BPMN2 view that includes important features of these standards probably after Helios
Aspect Repository
- Idea from Marc
- Collect and document all available aspects on a wiki page
- Offer users the possibility to provide their own extensions for the community
EclipeCon Presentation
- Talks: Meta model evolution (JWT as case study, converter)
- Marc could help with script (e.g. good/bad practices)
- Other input: Copy, DA:Wolf/Flo
- Currently limited resources available at Open Wide
- Augsburg University: Also limited resources, trying to involve students
- Florian will possibly have some time to work on JWT at his new employer in a month or maybe not
Integration in SOA TLP
- Currently: Transformation to STP-IM
- Move Review: Create Slides (benefits for JWT/SOA)
- Project lead change announcement in Move Review
- Graduation Review should be done with Helios
- Have a look at eBPM proposal
- Improve website to make clear what JWT is for
- Put information on additional integrators on website
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