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JWT Meetings/Minutes09March18


4pm to 5:15pm


  • F. Lautenbacher
  • C. Saad
  • M. Istria
  • K. Aers


BPMN to JWT transformation (F.Lautenbacher)

  • Developed by Stephane Drapeau and Maxime Porhel from Obeo
  • but alas with old version of BPMN metamodel, therefore, there are still things to do to make it functional
  • will be integrated in M7 of Galileo
  • We already have a transformation the other way round (from JWT to BPMN) - this has the same problems and needs to be adapted

JWT monitoring of Bonita engine (F.Lautenbacher)

  • F. Lautenbacher is working on a monitoring plugin using the jwt-wam-monitoring framework and experiences some problems. His focus is on the integration of Nova Bonita in an Eclipse plugin.
  • This leeds to issues between OSGi and Hibernate which need to be fixed -> asks for help by Bull guys
  • Timeline: Since it will be used in presentation for Eclipse Forum in April, Florian will work on this plugin till that. After that it is not sure whether there are still resources.
  • If the problems with Eclipse stay, maybe an EJB implementation to access Bonita could help (tipp from Mickael)

Collaboration with JBoss (K.Aers)

  • JBoss has tied schedules and a lot of things to maintain
  • This was the reason why they were very silent and not integrated in JWT in the past;
  • Hence, the next release of JBPM will not be released with JWT (will be shipped in July already). They continue on their own effort and existing tools.
  • For further releases they aim to switch to JWT. But have no resources right now. Koen would like to work on it and also has support by management, but other topics were in the past mostly more important.
  • The JWT team asks for the JBoss requirements. These and other things will be discussed at a meeting next week at EclipseCon.

Galileo progress - especially for M6 (M.Istria, asked for by F.Lautenbacher)

  • Tomorrow will be Galileo milestone M6
  • Test everything from the integration update site until tomorrow and let Mickael know whether it works or not (ToDo: C.Saad, F.Lautenbacher)
  • Only API bug is still open, M. Dutoo is responsible, but will only be available next week, will work then. Probably it's okay if the API bug is closed next week.
  • Branding: Documentation and tutorials für M7 necessary (9th of May); C.Saad is working on a tutorial, can finish it till end of the week; tutorial of EclipseCon presentation; let Mickael know when it is finished. Tutorial of Eclipse Forum helpful for Galileo, too.
  • jPDL transformation: JBoss had no time to work on it till now. Will have a look at it and provide feedback about it next week at EclipseCon. Should be able to improve the transformation till 9th of May.
  • Monitoring only on CVS, not useful for users right now, therefore will be excluded from Galileo. Maybe monitoring of Bonita can be contributed to Scarbo? Ask M.Dutoo and M.Istria for permission once its finished.
  • Can the JWT feature be divided into different sub-features? Possibly yes, but would mean a lot of work right now. Therefore, not before Galileo.

EclipseCon demonstration status and issues (M.Istria, C.Saad)

  • Florian and Chris still experience some problems for their EclipseCon presentation
  • Bonita installed, persistance disabled is normal when starting Bonita, so works fine for both
  • Florian has a problem starting the demo2009-webservices: com.sun.xmi...RuntimeBuilder not possible: NoClassDefFoundError. Will send stacktrace to M.Istria.
  • For Chris this works fine, but he has problems executing the first action already.
  • M.Istria will help to fix problems of C.Saad. Then Chris might help Florian.
  • Video will be prepared for the EclipseCon presentation and will be uploaded to website then.


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