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JSDT/Confcalls/Minutes 20161122

JSDT Sync 22 Nov

Attendees: Victor, Ilya, Angel, Gorkem, Patrik


Victor: participated to WTP PMC, discussed also with Chuck the Type A licence. Sharon: asked whether we're interested in switching to Type A --> most of the WTP PMC members are ok to switch to Type A (Agile) review system Gorkem: one possible issue is even if we have the Type A license, it'll be tricky implementing features like Typescript, because currently we will have less people working fulltime on this

Ongoing Bugfix

Angel: working on indexing, which is a time consuming change: Also: named functions which have anon function below are causing issues. There is a way to fix this with better code. Victor: maybe we can wait for pushing the Closure Compiler Victor: tested the issue about formatting: look at ` backtick Patrik: Bug 507518 - Nested brackets in template literals breaks the formatter > Seems it is an issue in Gorkem: sent Gerrit request for Orbit bundle / to be followed by a (piggiback) CQ request. to be followed by a gerrit request from JSDT to just use the ClosureCompiler from Orbit then, after we're able to use CC, we should remove Esprima leftovers (classpath hooks, tests, etc.) Victor: we should remove also *Esprima* classes


Ilya: added reddeer integrations tests Victor: tested different builds but there are no changes (included in features) check org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.integration.tests to be in the features

Fixed / Reviews:

Patrik: fixed Bug 501790 - Invalid octal escape sequence (\8) causes IAE as discussed filed and fixed Bug 507939 - JSDT Install fails because of missing dependency- (Blocks Omph)


Ilya: discussed with Misha about NodeJS tutorials Patrik: contributing 3 JSDT demos to Vogella tutorials: frontend, fullstack, JS+JEE; preparing 3 related videos; Present JSDT at Eclipse Day Darmstadt on 30-11

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